I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. There’s too many people out there posting shit like this for real.
I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. There’s too many people out there posting shit like this for real.
Name checks out
I hate working out. I don’t get the endorphins from it that other people seem to talk about. Directly, no. I didn’t get anything from it.
I look good. People speak to me differently. I have more and better sex. Better for quality makes me not feel like shit all the time. My personal image has changed and I time myself depressed a lot less.
So ultimately, yes. Go to the damn gym.
In Canada, they have an idea called “right to peace”. It means that you can’t stand outside of an abortion clinic and scream at people because your right to free speech doesn’t exceed that person’s right to peace.
I don’t know if that’s 100% how it works so someone can sort me out, but I kind of liked that idea
I think from context we can assume in favor of. I don’t think anyone is accusing Reddit of masterminding the Gaza conflict. I haven’t been to /r/conspiracy in a while through.
Well. Kids keep being murdered in schools. We’ve tried “thoughts and prayers” and “more guns”, and that really hasn’t solved the problem.
I think folks are just trying to limit access to guns except in specific conditions. You know - trying something different.
Wait, what? Instead of taking any ownership or introspection of your personal beliefs in the face of OVERWHELMING evidence that you’re supporting child raping traitor nazis, your response isn’t to reevaluate your support for them, it’s to deflect, double down on your support, “nuh uh, no you!”, and “both sides are bad”? You called me closed minded? Do you hear yourself?
There are trees out there working real hard to make the oxygen you’re wasting. As a great Canadian once said, “yer spare parts, bud”
Hyperbole? Where’ve you been, dude?
Remember when republicans keep blocking bans on child marriage?
Or how about when they keep getting caught fucking kids?
Right? I know!
“But whaddabout… whaddabout… whaddabout…” When Anthony Weiner got nailed, Dems dropped him faster than Giuliani dropped his pants for an underage reporter. Go ahead ask me - between Gaetz and Wiener, which one is still a congressman? If Trump gets caught up in the Epstein thing, republicans will circle the wagons and deny deny deny. If Bill Clinton gets caught up in it, Dems will demand he goes the fuck to jail. You know… because crime.
Then there’s the January 6th thing. That sort of explains itself. Donald Trump and republicans tried to use a violent insurrection and fraudulent electors to overthrow a constitutionally mandated process… so… you know… treason. You’re a traitor for supporting it. This one’s pretty simple.
Oh right! And the nazi thing. Between the concentration camps, the continued support of white supremacy, the embracing of authoritarian fascism, the overt xenophobia, the book bans (and let’s not forget the burnings!) and the continuous use of murderous violence and terroristic death threats… but you know - I’m probably just exaggerating.
Dude - I’m not just riffing. This is objectively true. These are facts. This isn’t a just a difference in ideology. If conservatives were actually conservative and not… you know… the rest of that stuff, I’d be down for it. You might not have raped any kids personally, but you sure as shit support people who do. Like… at this point, democrats kinda suck, but repubs are moustache twirling, cartoon evil. It’s not even close. The only way that you’re still a republican is that you’re living under a rock, or you’re a child raping traitor nazi. There’s no ambiguity anymore.
Child raping traitor nazi is fitting and objectively verifiable. Stop supporting kid fuckers.
If you are a republican, then yes. Because gestures broadly at the Republicans
I really hate the “us vs them” bullshit, but it’s real. I don’t like many of the Democrat policies and am on the progressive side. They suck. But the other side is literal child raping treason Nazis. The fact that I’m saying that with no hyperbole in 2024 is so fucking wild. I wanted the star Trek future with a merit based economy and green alien babes… Not this bullshit.
Preventative care is ENORMOUSLY cheaper than emergency care. Hospitals have a mandate to provide life saving care to anyone regardless of insurance or documentation status. When they don’t have health insurance, they wait until it’s an emergency and either destabilize the hospital system or raise premiums for everyone.
This is another example where “it’s just cheaper to pay for it”. It’s also another position that so called conservatives are against, even though it’s far more fiscally conservative to support. Guess y’all can’t get past that crab mentality.
“clearly” is uhh… Ambitious. We’re on the same page here. I’ve just heard people use these studies as fact more than a few times and wasn’t sure why you were getting downvoted.
I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Mushrooms are awesome. Loads of fun. They don’t treat any issues though (other than the issue of not being fucked up).
A research study came out showing that in controlled environments, they found that there were significant changes that could lead to the potential for treatment and I think everyone now thinks that a fist full of mushrooms will fix mental health issues. They won’t.
I think you’re probably being a bit dramatic about an “accident or bodily harm”, but it’s not out of the question. Mostly in danger of texting all of your ex’s.
But you’re right. Go to qualified professionals for help with PTSD. Not your weird uncle or the kid growing shrooms in his dorm room. Want to get high? That is the problem that mushrooms solve.
This is why we don’t do Thanksgiving with the fam anymore
It’s been a far right echo chamber for about ten years now, so I don’t know that this holds up.
Well we don’t seem to be putting anyone in there these days, so I’m really not sure.