The only way it’s going to die down is if it gets replaced with the next tech bro buzzword.
The previous one was “smart”, and it stuck around for a very long time.
The only way it’s going to die down is if it gets replaced with the next tech bro buzzword.
The previous one was “smart”, and it stuck around for a very long time.
I’d say it’s a middle-ground situation.
I’m 31, yet still can’t afford my own apartment, not without being on a waiting list. Meaning I’ll probably get my own proper apartment by the time I’m 40.
However, it’s not so bad, because I’m sharing a place with my younger brother.
Unfortunately, though, my younger brother is an avid Musk supporter.
My job, Just Eat, just got bought by a major tech company. 4th biggest in the world, I think. So om worried about what that’s going to mean.
However, Just Eat in Denmark has a strong trade union club, and I’m an active member in it. Might even become Co-representative one day.
It is unfortunate, however, that all this is taking away from what I love doing. I practice 3D modelling, animation. I’m slowly learning about game programming. I do 2D art. I have this science fiction universe with characters and aliens and adventures i want to make something with. But between my job, the furry commissions I have to make, and some freelance work I do for a Bionicle project, there is very little time left to work on my own ideas.
Someone needs to see Measure of a Man. :)
Except Vision isn’t a robot, he’s an android. Or maybe more than that; a synthetic life form. He is his own person, with his own wants and needs. He can feel and develop opinions on things. He’s not merely a computer with a personality algorithm.
Well, my mom believes it and she’s not even American.
My phone still comes preinstalled with a bunch of crap and I want it gone. Like I’m never going to use Google Games, I’m never going to use LinkdIn, I’m never going to use YouTube Music, or Opera Web Browser. None of these apps I can remove without root.
Repair > replace.
It’s not just about how much money it costs.
But that is a healthy way. I got some real good reaction memes, and they work well in place of the kind of reactions I would have if I were in the same room as someone.
See, written conversations tend to lack the body and facial language interactions that comes with talking to a person in the same room. A good reaction meme is a substitute.
When working on a furry art commission of a character with… Certain tastes, the question was raised whether or not she could actually survive on cum.
Our initial thought was no. No way that’s possible. However… Turns out cum is incredibly nutrient dense. You’d require some other sources of food to fill in some of the gaps, but cum is essentially a high powered nutrient paste.
Unfortunately Organic Maps doesn’t really work well. I gave it a shot yesterday at work (I work food delivery on bicycle), and it couldn’t find half the addresses I needed to go to.
Can’t wait to update gimp from terribly out-dated to somewhat out-dated.
Same here in Europe.
This is highly irregular for several reasons:
Google adheres to official government positions, yes, but as far as I’m aware the American government hasn’t made the name change official yet. Members of the government have said that they’d do this, but I don’t think this idea has passed any process yet. So then why is Google “updated” their maps?
When Google adheres to official government positions, they are local. In example, when you’re in China and look up Taiwan, it’ll appear as part of China. In other countries it’ll appear as either an independent country or a disputed territory, depending on that government’s official position on the matter. What we DON’T see is something like “Taiwan (China)”, as Google supposedly has no intention on forcing the policies of one government upon another government, and as far as I’m aware the rest of the world hasn’t agreed to changing The Gulf of Mexico to The Gulf of America.
The sun? The sun!? I guess your teacher didn’t know about Aldebaran, the size of galaxies… Supermassive black holes… Galactic filaments… And yes, the universe itself.
They either had rich parents with rich connections, or had incredibly loyal, highly skilled friends, like Jobs had Wozniak.
“Made you” fail last year? Quite the wording…
My mom believes this one (she believes in a lot of crap…). Allegedly there was a dude who made a car run om water, but the evil oil company Shell bought the idea so that it would never come out!
That is of course ignoring the fact that the supposed guy wouid still have knowledge on how to build one.
Or… The simple fact that water can’t be used as a fuel like that.
Oh yeah, my parents certainly believe Stargate is created by artists trying casually reveal “the truth”, not in a literal sense, but one that is very open to interpretation. Somehow (and especially to my mom) if some artist, like a singer or a writer, creates something that is adjacent to her beliefs she’ll feel validated about them.
The tech being drip-fed into the public is also one, connected directly to the one where “the military” has super advanced technology.
And same with water. My parents already believe in homeopathy, and everything that comes with it. So water has a special “memory” that can somehow be imprinted and change its properties. Same goes with influencing water with sound or light.
And of course, they have INSANE distrust for doctors. Or literally anyone in a professional position. I think, with their beliefs, if you’re in a professional position you’re part of the system that hides and lies to the population, a mandate of “them” in control, to keep everyone stupid and complacent. So anyone in a professional position is an enemy, a malicious entity out to get you.
Yeah, I remember when my step dad has a period he believed this. He would find ways to tune music back to how it’s “supposed” to sound. Everything sounded horribly out of tune, but he’d just say it’s because we’ve all become so used to listening to music the “bad” way.
Jesus christ, where do I even begin? I have parents who are conspiracy nuts, so this’ll be quite a list. There’s a difference between my mom, step dad, and oldest little brother, though, as two of them believe in more occult crap.
Well, here we go…
There’s probably a lot more, but I’m tired of typing all this out.
I boycott Amazon years ago already, when a warehouse of people died because employees were told that the government’s tornado warning was just hyperbole.
Amazon is an evil company that treats its workers like garbage, and practices some of the most vile anti-union practices.
I cancelled my Amazon Prime account and never bought a single item through Amazon anymore. I don’t buy anything from Temu either, by the way.