Hole up! Doesn’t the existence of clothing imply nudity? Covering the nudity is what clothing is for! I feel like they hadn’t thought that through all the way.
Sure, now which pre-existing piece of xmpp based software checks all the feature boxes as noted by both Signal adherents and myself regarding Session? Are you implying the lay user code their own? If that exists you could have just linked to it rather than engage in whatever this is.
I will preface this with, I may be wrong, but as I understand it xmpp is just a protocol. One that, unless it’s been revised, imparts no encryption at all. Signal, and Session, are full architectures that enable all of the afrementioned features from my initial post including server and client.
Use Session instead. Open source, E2E encrypted, onion routed, no phone numbers. https://getsession.org/
Audited too. https://blog.quarkslab.com/resources/2021-05-04_audit-of-session-secure-messaging-application/20-08-Oxen-REP-v1.4.pdf
I get the joke.
But related real talk phones get got a lot. They won’t need to steal your phone they’ll just hack it like every other computer on the planet.
You don’t have to look much for the evidence.
I agreed with your factual correction. I’m not sure why you’re coming at me so hot.
I will maintain that while their facts may have been incorrect the intent isn’t what you seem to want it to be. Of course the op of the reply we’re replying to is the only one who can say.
Also, yeah, you’re right no systemic change has ever been successful ever so why try. /S
While your argument is sound it doesn’t dissuade from the point the preceding argument was trying to make. Which maybe you missed, or maybe you just like to debate? Guns as they are now in this country are a big fucking problem. Anomalies are just as bad, and likely preventable, as any other thing with a higher number on some chart. Many might argue >0 is a number to large when it comes to loss of life.
Deployed to Iraq cross leveled to a different unit. One of the staff sargents at this unit, who I didn’t know at all, just had a super creepy touch children type look and vibe about him. I knew some shit was going to go down with this guy.
There were two privates, both super young like 18-19, married to each other in this unit. Turns out he slept with the wife and it came out right as we were getting into country.
The Army pretty much straight disappeared that Staff Sgt. I didn’t see him again for like 8 months. Not even around the billeting. I wish I had said something before all that went down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t think cheap is what they’re after. Unless you mean this somehow helps their margins? Around here a 20oz soda is approaching $3 USD when just a year ago it was nearly half that. That’s definitely not cheap.
As the saying goes “If you’re not paying for the product you are the product.”
I’ve been using Fastmail for years now. Worth every penny. Doesn’t even come with “extras” other than a little webdav storage space.
Most email providers have free tiers. Try them!Find the one that works best for you. Pay for that.
Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. You can just stop using Gmail and still maintain a Google account to use with oauth providers.
Your mistake here is in assuming removing DRM isn’t trivial. As someone who’s pirated games for literal decades I have enjoyed many a DRMed game on launch day. DRM is security theater just like the chumps at the airport who routinely are found to be missing 99% of contraband.
I know. I’m that guy. Brave has sync now. They finally fixed it. ¯\_/(ツ)_/¯
Mainframes and old databases? It was 98/99 not 88/89. I spent all my time updating Netscape navigator, Windows and Java in my IT job for a fortune 500. I’m sure someone was still running crazy old stuff, someone always is, but it was solidly the age of the internet by then. I had a cable modem by that time.
TIL there’s a name. I suppose that would be it.
From the Wikipedia this is spot on.
Ability to grasp math on a conceptual level, but an inability to put those concepts into practice.
I didn’t say I’m not a math person. It literally becomes confusing. I imagine it’s like how dislexia works. They know words. They know what words say, just putting them together doesn’t happen the same way as everyone else. I fundamentally understand the individual elements but I just can’t assemble them properly in my brain like I can with everything else. Even if I know the formula and put the numbers in the right places it’s like the processing step in my brain just…doesn’t, or won’t. Hard to explain.
Math and by extension programming. It makes sense. Then I fill in the numbers, it enters my brain and then just goes to a garbled mess. I get lost in a for loop. WTF…
Similar to what others have said you need to make some changes. Figure out how the game works. Get educated. Find a new job, get certs, go back to school, rehab your credit, find a cheaper place, make moves.
Sure can!
If you wish to vet the project https://github.com/filips123/PWAsForFirefox
Or the direct FF extension here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/