11 hours agoNo OC, but i “read you” on fdroid. Imo its the best option I’ve found for mobile.
On desktop there are a lot of options but i dont have a sigular recomendation.
No OC, but i “read you” on fdroid. Imo its the best option I’ve found for mobile.
On desktop there are a lot of options but i dont have a sigular recomendation.
Only those aren’t frames they’re glowing. Dude has individual monitors to permanently display those won arguements.
I’d like to know myself.
Plenty of blog sites support rss by just adding /index, /feed, /atom to the sites names Example: https://www.ntietz.com/atom.xml https://chriscoyier.net/feed/
So I’ve just been adding them gradually as i encounter blogs i care to read.