The exact same way the GOP keeps getting things done: do not capitulate, and tell the people why the other side is wrong. Don’t say stupid shit like “we have to pass it to see what’s in it!!”
Super easy, barely an inconveninece.
The exact same way the GOP keeps getting things done: do not capitulate, and tell the people why the other side is wrong. Don’t say stupid shit like “we have to pass it to see what’s in it!!”
Super easy, barely an inconveninece.
Democrats have made it a point to block or stifle any leftist candidates and progressive ideals. They constantly capitulate to the right while telling the left (i.e. Eisenhower Republicans) to fuck off. Adam Schiff’s bid to block Katie Porter from a Senate seat is the most recent example of this. They were stunned when Hillary lost to Obama, and furious when Biden was challenged by Sanders. They have ALWAYS backed conservative candidates over even centrist ones, and only propose popular bills when they know they can’t pass them. There will never be a challenge to Citizens United because they benefit directly from it, and the SCOTUS gives them an excuse to never challenge. They refused to codify Roe when they KNEW it would be overturned because they still think it’s a cash cow. They will give every excuse imaginable for inaction but never a plan for action.
90s Democrats gave us the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and they had previously agreed that yes, conservatives need a bigger voice in media and government. They literally laid the groundwork for fascism, like handing Hitler his PA system
How do you find helium? Did everyone suddenly start talking like chipmonks?
To bad that Americans are lazy worthless shits who wont fucking work. Let them in already; our fields need tending; our homes beed cleaning; and I need a taco truck on my street corner.
There is no border crisis, and never has been.
Now we have fascists and paranoid delusionals
“record number”
Propaganda works, I see. Every election year.
There is no border crisis and never has been.
So Say We All
We invaded Iraq for nothing, but jerk off while this happens
tHe mArKeT wIlL rEgUlAtE tHeM
Do you know how many times we heard that they were gonne lose the next election?..or that they couldn’t possibly pass such a bill here? UK is at even greater risk from what I gather.
And NPR claimed to not know what his motivation was.
You sound like a guy who’d be trying to reason with Nazi Stormtroopers as they were shoving you into the boxcar. No great injustices were ever solved through nonviolent means. None.Power does not abdicate itself because you begged for it to.
Your “law and order”:
This Black History Month remember human trafficking was legal. Slavery was legal. Jim Crow was legal. US Govt paying reparations to white enslavers but not to the enslaved was legal. Prison slavery still IS legal.
Do not let legality & power be a measure of morality & justice. -Qasim Rashid
You really are desperate to defend fascists, aren’t you?
Anarchy is indeed bad. Unfortunately you don’t seem to grasp what anarchy is. Hint: it’s not street justice.
Hey you’re starting to get it!
Doesnt matter since conservative white women arent allowed to speak anyway