Well…I think you lost me. The really sudden loss of your job sucks, no matter what. I agree that a lot of people get laid off every day, but I feel sorry for them too. Employee protections in the US are also terrible compared to a lot of other countries. This situation is different, because it is so random, so far reaching and connected with a lot more insecurity. An ailing company may fire people…that is something you can see coming, but what is happening right now is just senseless and not very smart. A lot of things will break and in the end people will die, many people will leave the country and the economy will tank.
Thanks for the clarification. I would even say that I mostly agree with the sentiment. Immigration has been a pointless discussion for years now and I think no party (except the AFD) actually profited from it. SPD and die Grünen have both failed to disspell the AFD narrative.