Why are so many departments suddenly doing shit that should have been done years ago?
Why are so many departments suddenly doing shit that should have been done years ago?
I use that power. I say things ranging from “Dude, that’s not ok” to “Are you fucking stupid or something?” if I’m looking to get their attention.
I’ve also pulled out “You know my cousin is black, right?” (true statement) and “That’s my sister” (untrue statement). When you make it personal they get real uncomfortable and start apologizing.
Also USA. My teachers ran the gamut from not letting anyone to treating us like adults. My school was VERY white with only a handful of black kids across all of high school. One of the teachers was well known for never letting the black kids go until one of them went and peed in his trash can to prove a point.
The ones who treated us like adults got treated with the most respect. Weird how that works.
I feel that. I’ve got a very serious redneck thing going on. I hunt, fish, dress like I just got off work at the ranch (that’s true sometimes), and raise a lot of hell. I know why they think I’m one of them. It’s depressing some days because it’s almost like people can’t wait to say fucked up shit as soon as they meet me.
Plus the bottom handle looks to be about the same height as my butt cheeks. If I can grab it between the cheeks instead of getting my hands dirty then I’m definitely doing that.
(No, not really, I’m not that talented)
Don’t forget government death panels.
I hate that for you. If you find a good Popeye’s it’s really great for fast food. Unfortunately to find a good one you’ve got to look for a line.
Your house will never be full of useless chaos until I’ve ridden a horse through it.
If you look at my original reply you’d see that I never condoned tolerating him or his bullshit. I personally don’t like prison rape jokes. I didn’t say you couldn’t make them. I didn’t police you even a little. The fact that you’re so set on justifying rape jokes that no one told you to stop making tells me something about you.
If you’re that bothered by what an anonymous drunk thinks of the kinds of jokes you make maybe you should take a look at why you feel that way. I’ll give you a hint: it has nothing to do with the piece of shit this story is about.
It is. And he’s an absolute pile of fucking garbage. I’m not defending him.
Aside from not liking rape jokes, this is a pretty bad take. People aren’t generally getting violated in county. That’s generally happening in more long term facilities like state or federal prison.
I hope he gets the book thrown at him. I hope his time teaches him just how wrong he is, or at least terrifies him into shutting his stupid fucking mouth. Hell, I hope he inexplicably disappears while he’s on the stand, baffling scientists for decades. But I’ll never wish for the rape of anyone.
If I’m defeated at night: Three bottles of bourbon, a guitar, two tacos, and a beaten up cowboy hat.
If I’m defeated during the day: Bad code, a cup of coffee, and a gallon jug of water.
I’ve had to explain to three different people that they’re not getting a production window on Christmas Eve. I’m the only person in the office from the day after Christmas until January 2.
I rarely take my firearms anywhere besides the woods. Everyone knows that any establishment I enter automatically makes greater than half their income from alcohol.
Same, except my company (of which I’m the sole employee) has a long term contract where I’m very comfortable so I’m paid pretty much the same every month. I’ve also got a few companies that I’ll do a bit of off consulting work for when they need it. That’s usually good for extra spending money at the end of the fiscal year if they have extra to spend and want to reinvest in their technology. I just got a couple of those invoices paid so Christmas is looking nice.
But, like you, I’m taking off a few weeks in the spring. I get paid nothing for that or sick days.
went on too long
Well you’ve certainly never been with me then!
Ok, now that the shit talking is out of the way, I really hope you do find exactly who you’re looking for.
This is far more succinct than I could have put it. Same.
I have several drunken and glib responses ranging from actual seasoning advice to something about the season of the witch. How-the-fuck-ever…
Run. Just fucking run. Neighbors? Kids? Whatever. Run.
And this is the hundred year anniversary. It has been on in many American households since 1947, the first year that it was televised.
I know, I was asking more out of exasperation. And you’re absolutely correct.