Do you? If power lines get knocked down, they’re ain’t gonna be no electricity. What states have “redundancies?”
Do you? If power lines get knocked down, they’re ain’t gonna be no electricity. What states have “redundancies?”
Yeah no shit. But even we can’t stop MASSIVE STORMS from knocking down power lines. It has nothing to do with what grid we’re on.
Yes. Hurricanes should definitely be regulated harder.
Yeah no kidding. Why else would anybody vote for the dude?
Obviously not, I said they work.
My fridges and washing machines plug into the wall and work when I press the GO button. That’s the end of it. I resist “smart” things like the plague.
Motherfucker, if you need a safe space that’s more accepting than Lemmy, it might be you that has the problem lol.
Coup. COUP! It’s not a fucking chicken house!
Nice! What’s the car?
That’s not how you spell l33t. You fucking n00b.
Yet another reason I don’t live in California.
It would be great fun indeed, but we can already kill all the feral hogs we want, in any manner we choose, and we still have a shit load of them.
He already had one, dumbass.
Oops! Dyslexia lol. My bad.
SPIC lmao. They might want to rethink that acronym.
Good, stop eating that crap. Learning to cook was the best thing I ever did.
Being able to block what you want is great, having other people decide what to block for you is not.
It also gums the fuck out of fuel injectors, and you’ll notice a drop in gas mileage Dependant on the blend. Its pretty awful shit. I don’t know why the hell it exists.
I got curious so I duckduckgo’d that shit.
I already have a generator. And we are literally discussing the last leg here. Our grid is fine.