• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • NPD and BPD are both driven by an eternal sucking void of insecurity and negative self-esteem that can never be filled.

    Narcissists try to fill it with praise and social status, or failing that, power and subjugation.

    Borderlines try to fill it with limerence and victimhood or failing that, revenge.

    But it can’t ever be filled - it’s worse than addiction, worse than being underwater in some shitty MLM scheme. It takes and takes and takes because fuck you, pay me.

    So they don’t have friends or loved ones, they have hosts. They suck out all the goodness until there’s nothing left to give, then they start in on the pain.

    Assholes, in the other hand, are just driven by simple greed, callousness and lack of consideration. They can and do still hurt people of course, but it’s not an all-consuming obsessive need.

  • It was the mid-90s, and just a shell account. Gopher, archie, pine and zmodem.

    We didn’t get PPP access for a year or two; this was the days before google - yahoo, altavista, some other engines I can’t remember, and metasearch engines like dogpile that would query a bunch of different search engines and return the combined set of results.

    This was the days of mailing lists and usenet for the most part - connect up, download messages for like an hour, then log off, read and reply, then log on and send.

    I was there for the original hamsterdance, and it ruled.

  • Always assume your data is in N-1 places at all times.

    Any drive can and will fail at any time, no matter how well it was working yesterday.

    I’ve had people in with their entire PhD and years of research on one single drive, with no backup - just gone.

    If your data is only in one place, it will be in zero places soon enough.

    Disposable or replaceable data - which honestly is going to be 90% of your stuff - meh.

    But anything that you need and couldn’t replace, that shit needs backing up to AT LEAST one other place.

    As for the rest - drives can fail slowly, or they can fail fast. When they fail slowly, you start getting a couple of disk errors here and there, and you may just be able to order one in time to replace it.

    When they fail fast, they just drop like a heart attack.

    There’s no way to know in advance. If your data is safe, then you’ll either be out a few days while a replacement arrives, or you’ll be just about able to copy stuff across. At that age, I wouldn’t trust it farther than I could spit it. It could work fine for years more, but the moment you rely on it for something important, it’ll give out on you.

  • It’s not black and empty. There’s no you to feel those things.

    The mind is what the brain does. It’s a process, not a thing. It doesn’t ‘go’ anywhere, and it doesn’t sit there chewing on a lack of input either.

    The brain stops doing, the mind stops being.

    As for the point of it all: smoke 'em while you got 'em. Live your life, and try to make the world a bit better for others.

    After all, there’s nobody running the universe. Nobody to take care lest a sparrow fall. No justice, no redemption, nobody balancing the books. The only thing in the entire universe that gives a damn if we live or die is each other.

    You want a purpose, there’s your purpose. To do what only people can do: care about people and try to make their time on this rock better than it otherwise might be.

  • I think you’ve drawn the wrong borders around concepts, and are getting tangled as a result.

    Regardless of how we’d like things to be, morality is just plausibly-generalised threat perception.

    If people habitually went around doing that kind of thing, would you feel threatened by that?

    If so, then you will feel the emotion of outrage, and you will consider the act to be Wrong.

    Killing people and taking their stuff? But I’m a people, and I like stuff - I don’t want that to happen! That’s Bad and Wrong!

    And that’s the reason dehumanising the outgroup (or drawing a hard distinction of kind) is the first tactic used by oppressors: Oh goodness no, we aren’t killing people and taking their stuff; that would be awful! Nonono, we’re killing :demographic: and taking their stuff; that’s completely different and can never come back to bite you or yours, so relax, it’s fine.

    And of course, sometimes all your choices suck, thus the whole concept of trolley problems. Which threat makes my world less safe: a cold-blooded one-guy killer, or a useless five-guy allower-to-die standing there with his hands in his pockets? Are me-and-mine more likely to be in the big group of victims or the little one?

    The choice you consider ‘best’ depends on these kinds of questions.

    Threat perception is the engine that drives your moral framework. You can go and try to build a system out of words that will predict its moves, but that system is always going to be a crude imitation of the real thing, and there will always be edge-cases that throw up conflicts.

    Framing things in terms of how it affects categories-you’re-in can be a bit unflattering, so most people try to bury it in their system of words.

    When you do get that cognitive-dissonance feeling where your gut and your brain disagree on what’s right, it’s generally because your words are too specific, narrowing in on little details instead of the bigger picture.

    It’s definitely good to pause at this point, unpick the conflict and try to derive a wider principle that gives better answers - though you could fairly argue that this isn’t really moral flexibility, just getting better at describing the morals you do have.

    Real moral flexibility would be reassessing threats in their various contexts, and examining which categories of threat go where in the likelihood/severity matrix, and letting that inform your emotional responses. And yes, that’s a very good thing.