Emergency Room Visit Denials
Wait, do American hospitals charge people for visiting patients in the ER? Or is this about reimbursements for transport and parking?
Emergency Room Visit Denials
Wait, do American hospitals charge people for visiting patients in the ER? Or is this about reimbursements for transport and parking?
Do you have any examples?
By that logic 2000 is the last year of the second millennium, 2001 is the first year of the third millennium, 2002 the second, and 2003 the third.
The era started at year 1, and not year 0. So the new millenniums starts at years that ends with 1.
It’s also the third millennium of the era. 1-1000 AD was the first, 1001-2000 AD was the second, and we are now in the third.
I have never written a PhD thesis, so I might not be the best representative, but it’s the first time I’ve heard the phrase.
What is a doctor father?
Sure, and a window on the fifth floor is technically an exit. But that doesn’t make it a viable option.
Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe would be fantastic. The last thing I remember hearing was that he was working on a script for a Mistborn movie. I would’ve preferred a TV-show, but he feels it would work better as a movie, and I trust his judgement.
Poker Face
Ah, that makes more sense. I misread. With all of the horror stories I hear about American health care, it seemed farfetched, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.