You might wanna check the usernames. I never asked why you carry coins around. I don’t even carry them. I just take them home and put them in a jar to save until there’s enough to exchange
You might wanna check the usernames. I never asked why you carry coins around. I don’t even carry them. I just take them home and put them in a jar to save until there’s enough to exchange
No, you obviously don’t do it after every transaction. You save the change until you have plenty saved up and then exchange it for bills. This is what like every single person does.
What a strange person
The first one I get, but the rest have issues.
The giving water to voters thing is for political candidates. Gift giving is by far the most effective way to manipulate people into doing what you want. That’s why Jehovah’s witnesses give you a free book when they’re on mission.
Peaceful public assembly is litterally protected by the constitution. That doesn’t stop police from declaring peaceful assembly a riot and shutting it down, but that’s a different matter.
Arguing with cops never gets you anywhere good. Likewise insulting them to their face.
Nazis are objectively wrong and bad, but their right to peacefully assemble in public is just as protected as yours. Attacking them unprovoked is assault even if you have the moral high ground.
I agree with the spirit of everything you said. It’s just that vigilante justice just flat out doesn’t work. You become an example of your party’s supposedly blatant corruption and now they have someone to rally against. In most cases laws need to be changed, not broken.
I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think that’s what the meme was meaning. I think it meant when you leave empty handed, it looks like you’re shoplifting. That makes you nervous and you start acting weird which makes you look even more suspicious and more nervous. Wash, rinse, and repeat till you get home and cry because social situations are awkward and hard and life would be so much easier if I was alone on a deserted island like Tom Hanks in that one movie.
… I might’ve lost track towards the end, but you get the idea.
There’s no debate. Jenny used forest and threw him away as soon as he didn’t have what she wanted. When she ran out of places to go, she comes to forest just to torment him, get pregnant, then run away again. Then, she appears out of nowhere to hand off forest’s kid that she had been hiding from him for years right before dying of the aids that she probably also gave to forest.
I’ve had them before. If you want to hide them, wear a jacket or sweater. It’s not a big deal anymore though. The only people that ever said anything was friends and family teasing a bit. I’d still have them if my body didn’t reject them so often, but that’s just something to do with me
Honestly at this point, even a low corruption government seems harder than balancing a boulder on a toothpick for the super powers of the world