Give us something free and we’ll resell it to the poor.
Give us something free and we’ll resell it to the poor.
If there’s a job that must be done
You’ll find it’s much more fun
Don’t pout, don’t sob,
Just do a half-assed job!
If you cut every corner then it’s really not so bad
Everybody does it, even mom and dad.
If nobody sees you, then nobody gets mad.
It’s the American way!
“My god, I’m exhausted! Aren’t you tired of always caring about everything?”
“No, Jinkx. I’m tired of other people NOT caring about everything.”
Seattle. And yes, it’s fucking expensive. Outside of the city is cheaper, but diminishing returns on inclusiveness the farther away you get.
If you have a tech background, living here gets way easier.
I’ll tell you that where I live in America is waaaaaayyyy more accepting than what you’re describing. A friend transitioned a couple years ago, and said that the insurance, doctors and her job were all super helpful and understanding. A drag queen duo just sold out one of the most popular venues in the city multiple nights for their annual holiday show. Hell, the bar down the street from me has a trans couple who are regulars and nobody gives a shit (coincidentally, they just moved here from Texas). It’s not even a queer bar or anything, it’s just a normal watering hole.
A lot of places in America suck, but there are oases, is what I’m saying.
So the press is telling the world that this violent whackjob’s neighbor wore a wire and got him arrested. Now they’re letting him back out into the world for a couple grand.
What could go wrong?
No joke we actually had barbed wire fence around my high school. Magnetically sealed doors and cops stationed at the only entrance they didn’t lock all day.
The nicest people in the world cosplaying as the meanest.
The whole Xmas With the Vandals album is great. Shoutout to the Angry Snowmans, too.
I would strongly vote for Our Mrs Reynolds for best Firefly episode.
Scary that our only hope is that they trip over their own incompetence as they sprint towards fascism.
Turn signal before brakes is my golden rule.
Fuck that. I’m buying every banana I can get my hands on.
The RF key fob very slowly drains the battery if you’re within 10-15 feet of the car.
I agree with your order, though I haven’t seen Hollywood. If your taste continues to match mine, you would probably put Django and Hateful somewhere around 5 and 6.
There’s a fan theory that Tarantino has actually made two different series, splitting at Basterds. That’s why some of his movies are more grounded, and some are more cartoonishly violent. The theory goes that the events in Basterds created an alternate universe where violence in movies is way more socially acceptable. The more grounded movies (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, etc) are set in our universe, while the more cartoonish ones (Kill Bills, Death Proof, etc) are set in the alternate universe.
Kinda interesting theory, and I definitely prefer the grounded ones to the alternate universe films.
Drink too much, work too much, eat a diet consisting mostly of cheese and carbs. Stay in half-decent shape by putting in 14-hour days at a physical job.
Basically just circling the drain.
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
It’s a term for awkward Northern Europeans.
It still bugs me that Sean Bean’s name doesn’t rhyme.
The other downside is the situation I’m in. I made friends with a bunch of coworkers, then I got promoted to be their boss. Makes for a very strange power dynamic, where I have to code stitch between boss mode and friend mode.
Plus, I’ve had to fire people who I’ve been friends with for years. That fucking sucks.
Yes, you are a very lucky minority. I would bet that 95% of humanity doesn’t like their job and 70% hates it. For the vast majority of people, work is a place where you go and somebody pays you to do something you don’t want to do.