I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Piter an the Baron?
same actor for Piter and Wormtongue
There’s some nationalisation going on, which is kinda left. Just isn’t Corbyn’s Labour, that’s all.
There is [email protected] to help keep track of all these things
Getting a bit busier these days
Not sure if related, but this might help
Artix for similar reasons
Basic music theory and guitar playing.
Also, learning how to use an Altair 8800 clone
Pretty much what I’m doing at [email protected]
Same! On all those things
Any mp3 players that support scrobbling out there?
That’s even worse!
Probably read The Sirius Mystery and took it as fact
Pretty sure DDG, Ecosia and Bing all use the same backend?
It is. That or it was very coincidentally down for the exact amount of time as DDG.
Where’s the best place to start?
And distract.
I’ve lost track of the main, worst things we should be focusing on with this guy. If someone asked what the worst things were, I’m not sure where to begin (because there’s so much).