I just block everyone who tries to
I just block everyone who tries to
No, that’s a bad idea. What if we forget?
I didn’t pick up the language of the country I grew up in, just the neighboring one’s. Have you ever heard of Trianon?
Just give up. You can’t win here. I also hate the near perfect echo-chamber liberals have here on lemmy, but there’s nothing to get out of arguing here.
I just wish they’d leave their crying out of memes…
I think this is sort of a pandora’s box too. Buying the debt off means paying the banks, LOTS. So you’d not only inflate all currency to oblivion, but make banks the richest entities by far. That’s dangerous.
Just today I needed a pdf with filler english text, not lorem. ChatGPT was perfect for that. Other times when I’m writing something I use it to check grammar. It’s way better at it than grammarly imo, and faster and makes the decisions for me BUT PROOF-READ IT. if you really fuck the tenses up it won’t know how to correct it, it’ll make things up. Besides these: text manipulation. I could learn vim, write a script, or I could just copy “remove the special characters” enter -> done.
I use perplexity for syntax. I don’t code with it, but it’s the perfect one stop shop for “how does this work in this lang again” when coding. For advanced/new/unpopular APIs it’s back to the olds school docs, but you could try to give it the link so it parses it for you, it’s usually wonky tho.
my classmates had a “who asked” and “noone cares” phase. It was the worst. When we talked about using these way too much we came to the conclusion that it’s a perfect conversation killer, you can’t come back from it. However, in our case we used it impulsively. Not really meaning it, so after a sigh and a “nah but fr” combo we got the convo back on track… usually.
WE hated and it still done it. What being bored in school for hours a day does to you. You said a fact?? a statement even?? “who asked”… It was anti-learning/talking culture. It’s so good that everyone just forgot about it. tiktok, reels, shorts and whatnot are not spamming it anymore, so it doesn’t exist anymore. If someone gets smart these days and says these, we’ll express our cringe (it’s so last year) so they’ll feel bad, not doing it again.
But to answer what it means, nothing. noone means it. it’s “funny”. They get joy out of killing a convo this “fun” way. They said the trending meme! Anyways this was my two cents
I wanted to find her but I couldn’t. Most likely yeah, I was so stunned I didn’t even realise that she could also be pulling my leg. wow. This happened months ago and this somehow never crossed my mind. Thanks lmao. I’m usually fast about these… You know the “When I lie and my friend starts adding details” meme? Well, that’s usually me and my homies.
A girl with humor?? And I lost the chat??
lol yeah, but I didn’t try to get a gf. I was just trolling.
Worst part is I’ll never know if she told me the truth or not. Probably not, on the other hand why would you lie about this?
Your post is buggy. Anyways I tried these pickup lines on some apps, like “What temperature is your microwave” or “what color is your sofa” and I got responses like “I don’t have a fridge, it’s winter, there’s no need for it” and “We don’t have a sofa”.
Am I fucked anons?
I’ve always been on about this! A suicial assassin is an unstoppable force. A man that has nothing to lose is a dangerous one. Two bullets n’ a gun, you’re taking someone with you to hell. They can’t question you, sentance you, shame you, and if you killed some popular enough guy you’ll go down in history. If you’re client has the capacity they can even pay your family.
so relateable
The only thing I know about “bluray” is that sometimes it’s in the torrent’s name.
I’d 100% terrorize you with tape around my fingers. Idk how to describe it, if I touch you with it, it makes the sensation that I stuck something to you, but it’s still on my finger. I love how mad ppl went searching their backs for a note (like “kick me” or something)… but there was never anything there.
hm… am I a bully? (yes.) Whatever it was fun. After I tought them what I did (and how) and they mischievously thanked me.
haha than I’m screwing something else up
I left the last sentence open ended, for comedic effect, but if you really wanna know:
I transcoded videos with ffmpeg, and tried to exit out of the bash script with ctrl C. the script was something like:
ffmpeg file finishedFile;
rm file;
my ^C broke out only from ffmpeg and before I realized what happened the file got removed and the next ffmpeg call filled my terminal. I tought the key didn’t register, or something was stuck, so I pressed it again… and again… it cost like 45minutes of footage, wasn’t that important tho.
What an awesome tool that I wish I knew sooner. Also the && operator in sh. I think you can figure out what happened.
Oh, thanks! I’m not native so I didn’t know.
I know one person who posts anime in one community, never seen any other related posts, communities or instances.