The moment a politician’s kid drinks bleach because of Google’s AI is the moment any regulatory action is taken.
The moment a politician’s kid drinks bleach because of Google’s AI is the moment any regulatory action is taken.
Wonder how much that schools receives in federal funding.
Always has been. Apple is valuable because of their status symbol first and foremost.
My dog chewed on one of my Buds 2 Pro earpiece after owning them for two months cause I left the door open. Managed to open the case and everything lol
So, accurate.
Such is the result of Fisher Price’ing their devices.
Man I wouldn’t want to be this boat’s insurance.
Deleted my 10y+ account, but I mostly scroll/lurk some communities that aren’t prevalent around here still.
It is very apparent how much worse its getting after the API scandal. So many bot posts and karma farming bots. It’s depressing what it has become.
Maybe the engineering team has good intentions, but Zuck and his Fucks surely don’t.
Check with a newer Linux kernel. Starting with v6.6 my Mediatek-based WiFi started seeing 6GHz channels.
Cry and seethe, Nintendo.
Yeah, but all of my friends use it.
The party of small government.
No change in current focus, which happens to be the business sector. :)
Only caring about this topic now when it happens to some filthy rich white woman huh
Kinda saw this coming sooner or later.
I remember asking in one of their articles if they had planned to reign over (or partner up) the project over to Valve once it was ready and said they had no plans.
NVIDIA driver version?
Can’t wait to see this gone in the next 3 years.
It also depends on the carrier. Girlfriend has iOS 18 Beta and RCS option is missing.