I’m really dumb. Can you expand on vertical integration and how it corrupts? I’m not sure what it is or why it’s bad.
I’m really dumb. Can you expand on vertical integration and how it corrupts? I’m not sure what it is or why it’s bad.
Here’s a piece of art by Balthus. It’s of a young girl in a skirt, leg hiked up and you can see her underpants: https://www.wikiart.org/en/balthus/thérèse-dreaming-1938
This piece controversial, but evocative, thought-provoking and says something about an innocent time in our youth and the change of demeanor sexuality brings when we become aware.
People may not like this, but if you can separate sexuality and understand that we were once “innocent” - meaning sex wasn’t something we knew about, we just had these bodies we were told to hide in clothes, the painting takes on a whole new meaning.
I’m not advocating for fake cheese pizza photos, fuck those sickos, but art can appear to be one thing on first glance and then take on a new meaning as we study and understand more.
I read this comment section and I have no clue how about the world sometimes.
I see 20 year olds getting married and having kids. My cousin is barely 21 married with 2 kids, husband is the only worker and they own a house. He probably makes 50k a year. He works in a refinery.
My old boss moved to Castle Rock, Colorado. He doesn’t work, his wife is corporate and makes low 6 figures. They’re saving for a $600,000 house and will have the down payment in a year.
I’m not sure why some people are having such hard times and others seem to make it no problem.
My guess is that we aren’t being financially sound with our money. My buddy’s mom asked him to hold $100 to start her savings for a new apartment - she then called him a day later saying she needed $50 of it to eat. She called a day after that saying she needed the other $50 so she could eat. I asked him what she was eating and he said she only eats out, never cooks. Probably orders GrubHub constantly. If I had to guess A LOT of people live a lifestyle that is inconsistent with their income. But, those people will argue they’re eating sandwiches and nothing but crackers ALL THE TIME, things are just “more expensive.” I’m honestly perplexed by the economics of the world.
That fucking guy is a true a piece of shit.