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Cake day: December 14th, 2023

  • When you push something you push the atoms in the thing. This in turn pushes the adjacent atoms, when push the adjacent atoms all the way down the line. Very much like pushing water in the bathtub, it ripples down the line. The speed at which atoms propogate this ripple is the speed of sound. In air this is roughly 700mph, but as the substance gets harder* it gets faster. For example, aluminum and steel it is about 11,000mph. That’s why there’s a movie trope about putting your ear to the railroad line to hear the train.

    If you are talking about something magically hard then I suppose the speed of sound in that material could approach the speed of light, but still not surpass it. Nothing with mass may travel the speed of light, not even an electron, let alone nuclei.


  • When I went to malls as a teenager I would often get stopped and searched as if I was shoplifting. Was over 6’ at 16 and often wore hoodies. When I started getting into cross-dressing I was too ashamed to go through checkout with it. So I dressed in nicer clothes then hoodie and jeans, and shoplifted women’s clothing from every clothing store that ever stopped and searched me incorrectly previously. Part shame part revenge part kink.

  • Tazo is a subbrand of Lipton which itself is a sub brand of Unilever. I was unable to find any English Breakfast on their website that the nutrition label stated it had 2 grams of protein. Every tea I saw had 0 listed.

    Pretty popular in the US, so I do drink them from time to time and they arent bad, but I dont advise to eat the leaves when you are done. The leaves are very highly processed, and they dont really care if other things get mixed into the tea peaves before processing.

  • Tea is made from plants. All plants have proteins. The parts of the plant that we eat may or may not be a good source of protein for humans.

    Practically all Chinese, Indian, and English teas are all made from the same species of plant, Camellia sinensis, simply known as a tea tree. If you were to eat the leaves they would be a good source of protein and fiber, not to mention vitamins and antioxidants. However, we discard the leaves with the fiber, and typical ways of preparing the leaves and the tea can decrease the protein and antioxidants. Its possible your brand flash freezes tthe leaves or uses some other method to try and preserve these nutrients. Ive seen some English teas that are powder you mix in instead of steeping, and this would work as well. In fact, tea leaves are absolutely edible! If you get a decent to high quality tea you can take your leaves after you make tea and throw them in a smoothie, soup, or even eggs and youll get the rest of the nutrients left in them and wont be thowing food in the bin.