Please pass it forward: all Kindles can now be jailbroken
Please pass it forward: all Kindles can now be jailbroken
Unga unga ugh baah baaah
Optimists learn English
Pessimists learn Chinese
Realists learn AK-47
I think the curious aspect of this is that business is absolutely aware, and acknowledges existence of the climate change.
His vaporware time after time raises billions without any viable output.
In a meanwhile, there are legit businesses which struggle financially because the market ‘doesn’t believe’ in them.
Free market will solve it, my ass
Swap school shootings with workplace stabbings. Uno reverse, American style.
Easy, no problems at all. English articles are what breaks my head.
Yeah but with significantly less blackjack and hookers and significantly more foreskins. Cause you didn’t think there was only one foreskin on display for all those pilgrims, did you?
You should know how much time Christian monks spent reasoning about the foreskin of Christ.
It’s a lot.
Long enough to postulate that once the Jesus ascended, his foreskin ascended as well and become. The. Rings. Of. Saturn.
Sky will never be the same, won’t it?
Ah, another non mainstream source of inspirational knowledge is the Blindboy Boatclub podcast. Over years he produced a lot of episodes on the subjects of mental health and experiences delivered in a very democratic, relatable way. Mixed with crazy hot takes, like how Ney York disco was the original punk for/by LGBT community, seasoned with a thickest Limerick accent and storytelling. Delicious.
Happiness is not found. It’s not an object, rather a state of perception. The more you’ll objectify and discretize happiness, the less likely you’re to achieve it.
That being said, usually drugs.
On a serious note, two books helped me to understand this mystery a bit more
Ok it’s a serious thing and all, but an I the only one who read the title as if the cop was raping daughter’s remains?
I see more Dutch content than German.
Reminder that your are a lunatic. Use of tryzub as a national/statehood symbol dates back to about a thousand years ago, roughly to the Viking age.
Moreover, even the link that you quote doesn’t say what you say it says.
Are we the great liberators?
You gotta communicate in the language of the listener.
Twitter forces me not to engage with it’s content. Ah, what a shame!
Dear sirs, I call bullshit! There’s no \n after the :wq!
Better reader, PDFs with reflow.