How do I turn it off?
How do I turn it off?
I hear that goes really well with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
That’s why I run 2 different Lemmy apps. One for work and regular browsing. And a second one for those fun NSFW times.
This does exist in professional disciplines as jargon. I work in Orthopaedics and we do not say the “over here, inside part of my knee in the front. “. We say, “inferior, medial pole of the patella”
Porch is a banger for me.
It’s a tie for me
Pearl Jam. (1991). Ten [Album]. Epic Records.
A Tribe Called Quest. (1991). The Low End Theory [Album]. Jive Records.
Our office only has a kuerig machine. I choose to bring in my aeropress and a hand grinder. 1000% better than what the office has.
I have a counter top commercial grade juicer and it is an absolute pleasure to use. Manual citrus juicer
I too choose for this company to get fucked.
Currently on vacation in Mexico using their wi-Fi. (I have a pi-hole setup at home. ). Using mobile with iOS. Tried Firefox as well as Firefox Focus. Neither blocked the annoying bits.
Any other links available? Unable to read most of the article due to annoying popups and blocker blockers.
It’s like $15 a month now. I paid for premium when it was $10 and included music streaming. When the raised the price 50% I immediately cancelled. I use Smart Tube Next on my Sheild and have Firefox focus on iOS. + PiHole, + unlock Origin. Ads can go screw themselves.
My mister plays 100+ different arcade boards/games. There is also a yet to be released MARS FPGA system which will play Dreamcast + systems.
Think of all the arcade boards!!!
Thank you for the thing I learned today.
Bated vs baited breath Bated Breath
Nvidia Sheild pro + smartTube Next. I see 0 ads. The app also bypasses the self promotion/hit the like and subscribe button crap as well.
The trip to sharper image was not complete until you got to sit in the massage chair.
Argh, Snake a snake. Snake a snake. OOOOO, It’s a snake!
Good humor ice cream truck Fat Frog.
240 VBR was the sweet spot when drive space was expensive. Now I use flac lossless for things I care about.