That would be Heavenly
That would be Heavenly
Clint Eastwood ran for mayor of Carmel CA in 1986 on a pledge to modernize civic codes and administration, the popular face of which was overturning a ban on selling ice cream cones.
OMG, don’t tell me, were some of them beige, khaki, buff, or <gasp> tan?
California was once Alta California and part of Mexico. Not surprising that it has authentic Mexican dishes.
I seem to remember those decisions were made during the primaries and were not retried for the general election. Honestly not sure though.
Reminds me of the saying . There are two types of people in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets”
Their seriously broken, and don’t call me Shirley.
The wrungs are broken.
CB radio user names are called handles. One of my nicknames is The Vandal. I think Subterranean Homesick Blues is one of Dylan’s best. Violà.
Do you play the Steely Dan classic FM on your FMstrat?
Carry propane bottles by the valve while listening to Chuck Mangione.
I did, does that make me a nobody?
My orzo mix is sautéd spinach, butter, and a pepper spice blend with salt
You left the most important part out; why is PornHub not complying? Understanding the situation requires knowing the very real concerns about privacy and data security as compliance requires keeping copies of IDs on file for verification.
I first thought 1800 SF house was referring to the painted ladies and thought the price way too low.
Same feeling, River at Brockway in Truckee, lost traction on an ice patch and time slowed until a crunch, then it caught up. Luckily for me we knew the same people and the cost was fair.
I wonder if Rudy can dodge a wrench
Accessed through Jira huh, that’s pretty epic but this aggression will not stand up! I can imagine the hackers sprinting away with baguettes under the their arm. Such a scrummy thing to do.
Anchovies on pizza. Just a couple though, like fish sauce, a little goes a long way.
JD rigid airships couches