Yeah, sure. Just don’t look at the last election results.
Yeah, sure. Just don’t look at the last election results.
While what you said isn’t untrue, .ml does Bill itself as a general purpose instance. Also, not all the replies are from accounts on .ml.
In a more general sense, I always felt that only reading sources that alligned with one’s political alignment narrowed one’s perspective.
Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, dpa, Reuters, ap, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandfunk. Some others, if they come up. Mostly via RSS.
I mean, didn’t he do that Carlson interview a few days ago? I wouldn’t put it past Trump to pardon him, as long as he keeps on message and drums up some attention.
I don’t think anyone who can install a Rom, or is willing to read a bit of documentation, should buy this.
If your choice is this, or buying some stock Android Phone and using it as is, this might be OK, but you’re not getting anything special.
My last phone had 12, my current one has 8. Fine for multitasking. I really dunno what I’d want an LLM on my phone for.
My last phone lasted 5 years till the display broke. Had to switch the battery once, but nothing else gave out. My current one gets 8 years of updates, and I plan on using it till then, as long as nothing unexpected happens.
They’re quoting Bardella directly, which kinda makes sense for the headline, but yeah, I haven’t seen any mayor English media sources that are willing to call a cat a cat here.
Might be worried about libel suits? Though I can’t see an unbiased court deny that those are Hitler salutes.
No? Kinda? I’d say a Pixel (so Google hardware, yeah) with Graphene, and either self-hosted, or independent end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.
There are alternatives to the tech conglomerates.
There’s quite a few TP-Link Models that can be flashed with open source firmware. The ones I helped friends and family with seemed to get software updates consistently after being discontinued.
This isn’t an all out endorsement, but I’ve certainly seen worse.
What did you do with the school bus?
Rather annoying. You would think that it shouldn’t make a difference whether or not a mounted drive is present in the machine. I run everything I host in containers on a single machine, so I can’t say whether I’d have encountered such issues.
Jellyfin supports audio books too, but I feel that audiobookshelf gives a much neater experience.
I might be biased, but I can only reccomend it. Start with the EU country that vibes most with you, can’t go wrong, honestly.
I’m from a country where uncut is the norm, to the point where it’s unusual to meet a dude that’s cut, and it’s kinda fascinating to see someone being so into it.
Maybe you should move to Europe.
You’ve made a whole lot of replies, and not a single one in which you explained why exactly you where surprised.
I know you put the person’s name in the description, but if you want genuine answers, you probably shouldn’t expect people to click through someone’s Tiktok until they got their vibe before replying.
Always fascinating what cruelty can be excused as long as there’s some perceived utility.
There’s no evidence he said that, and antisemites like to use it to underline their conspiracy theories. People have been getting into hot water for using it for a while - just from the top of my head:
He got punched pretty hard once, if I remember correctly. Went pretty well, got a killer look out of it.
I don’t think the average user thinks much about the platform they’re on, and about who controls it. I think they go to wherever most of their family/friends are.
Also, those platforms are firmly in the mainstream, the alternatives aren’t really - you’d have to actively go search for them. People just aren’t likely to do that, I don’t think.