Thank you for taking the time to write all this.
First of all, you do touch up on some good topics with sources and I appreciate that. However I would like to say that you may have either oversimplified or misunderstood some concepts you talk about here. Just so we’re clear, the whole topic of privacy/security is vast and knowing everything about it all is impossible so this is not an insult but a simple remark.
While I will not tackle everything you mentionned, mainly because you have your opinion, which is valid, and you do bring up good points, I will point out the last two topics you bring up.
Debian is indeed less secure than a stable release Linux distribution based on sane defaults, however they do backport security issues into their older kernel which is how older kernels are maintained. So while yes, they may still use kernel 6.1, they also may have backported 6.12 vulnerability fixes.
The last topic you end up with is the constant fact that some “groups being at odds with each other” and “privacy being at odds with security”. Groups being at odds is not all good and neither is it all bad. Just like Lemmy or federation, it brings diversity in an ecosystem that needs said diversity.
You yourself bring up project 1 and compare it to project 2 at first while they are so different that comparing the two is like saying that an orange is blue. Many people will stop there and you went a deeper and properly laid out that it wasn’t the case but you fail to do so some place else.
Like I said, all of this is a very vast topic. However, while you have “fights” and groups being at odds with each other for sometimes good or not so good reasons, it brings out one of the best things in open source sometimes. “I dont like you or the way you handle that project so I’m going to make my own fork of it and do it my way”.
Thank you for your time and I do hope your text will help some people out.
I definitely agree that more constructive discourse needs to take place instead of some needless fights that happen way too often.
About Brave and the view some lemmy users express about it, I feel some of the distrust is valid while the way many express it is with no other regards to the good there might be or without any technical knowledge behind words being shared around. Exactly how you mentioned Google being awful at privacy but great at security.