The glorious life of openSUSE, defaults to btrfs on install and everything is preconfigured with snapper out of the box. Easy life, nothing to worry about.
The glorious life of openSUSE, defaults to btrfs on install and everything is preconfigured with snapper out of the box. Easy life, nothing to worry about.
Whatever you do never flag your drives as system important (except the one with the OS), I found out the hard way when one died.
Yeah smells a lot like them. Throwing Chinese money away to force a “monopoly” shift didn’t work and everyone saw through their practice. Loosing bribed companies left and right (Ubislob and Scam Enix for example). They are desperate and they know they cant count on Fortnite or Tencent forever.
The Valve typical silence treatment worked wonders on Swiney’s mind.
Don’t forget to add a phone wide adblocking DNS too.
And its called Deadlock.
And Blocktube for filtering.
Hey ranting about Windows for over a year (technically even longer) now and was promising a video about Linux, glad to finally see it after waking up.
Its literally the same engine they use since Morrowind.
Why use a GUI (Easy Effects) when you can do it the hard way and going nowhere.