Tried to order pizza but it got Noided
Tried to order pizza but it got Noided
I’m curious what game. My feeling is it must be something with a constantly changing economy?
Curious what would have happened if you just stopped at $30 up (also remember, $ before the number; ¢ after)
Was the $30 paid into your account, or in the form of a check or something?
Not at all a solution, but worth mentioning that in a YouTube URL you can replace /shorts/ with /v/ and get the normal player for the same video.
Man, I just didn’t get Little Inferno. Glad some folks enjoyed it, maybe I just didn’t understand what to do really? Oddly enough, the theme song pops in my head sometimes.
You don’t gotta pay $20 to have a chickpea on you.
I’m using a set of klipsch 4.1’s as we speak, and used to drive them with an Audigy 2.
I read that any NPC/Quest that required this before will now be visible to living players. I think in the case of the BRD one, the NPC will himself appear as a ghost to living players.
I still feel like this had one of the best atmospheres in gaming. Something about it felt so visceral. I had such high hopes of playing it in VR eventually, but by the time VR really came out, Hawken was already dying away.
Chopper Commando on the PC Jr and River Raid on the Atari 2600 were my first gaming loves.
Your reply helped me understand what on earth was happening. I was like “wimin and wimen?!”
Unrelated, but you have any rabbits I could pet?