My favorite part might be the conversation on the Cloudflare forum where a user reports the bug that makes this possible and it ends with this:
My name is Matt. I enjoy helping people with technology related issues. I also like adorable animals.
Je suis seul car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel
Et je meurs car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel
Comme les marins, qui fument des cigarettes sur le canal, ah.
Mais Excel ne sera pas appris aujourd
My favorite part might be the conversation on the Cloudflare forum where a user reports the bug that makes this possible and it ends with this:
Tons of good advice here - I personally use for QOS issues as it will do a few different sized tests.
“The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!”
Always fun to share on thanksgiving:
Strangely reminds me of high school…
Ah, yeah - someday I’ll make it scale better
What benefit does SSL/HTTPS provide if the data going back and forth is just HTML? (No user names / passwords / etc.?)
I have it set up for my jellyfin server since there is login data.
Not that I won’t add it, just didn’t know there was a need
You can pry from my cold dead hands.
Lol, all of Spectrum’s plans (outside gig) say “Typical Upload: 10Mbs or higher”
Why is it so hard for ISPs to provide a higher upload speed
Big fan of the Polish Hussars.
Awesome! Make sure to double check some of the comments that they were all updated/deleted. Without a delay mine has trouble and missed a few
I used Power Delete Suite but I had to modify it a bit to put in a delay of about 30-45 seconds for each comment as I was editing the text for each one prior to deleting.
Took quite a while, but in the end my account was gone. I’m sure reddit could pull stuff from it if they really wanted, but no user facing options exist - even “deleted reddit comment viewers”.
Edit: I will say that I’m unsure if this still works (or any editing tools) because of the API changes.
Hmm, that’s good / reassuring - hopefully we don’t have to find out!
Wow, so many good parts in this…
Side note: I do not do any coding professionally, just self taught stuff to impressive my business coworkers - but this was really well explained.
My favorites: Default username and password for accessing the debugger on the trains computer (that apparently can’t be changed)
Hard coded geofenced coordinates that would disable a train if it was being serviced at a competitors location
Absolute favorite: the incorrectly programmed date lock that would only disable the train November & December on the 21st-30th
Hopefully the company is reprimanded for this - here in the US it would probably be a slap on the wrist and nothing else.
Legitimately thought this was a post