Bruh .ml censores the urls too
Bruh .ml censores the urls too
This is exactly why I just could not get into mastodon, and probably Twitter-likes in general
There’s no way, atleast at the time, to sort by top of the day. No way to see what was trending across the larger fediverse, no real way to find new and interesting things every hour on the hour
Lemmy is thankfully significantly better with this, and it’s honestly become my go-to social app now
It appears to be a TypeError
Everyone gangsta till you do this and actually see 4 stars on the windshield
I can see the utility, but there should be at least some critical operability in case the phone or app doesn’t work for whatever reason, to help avoid injuries like these
Kobaryo - Blackbird
IMO I’d call “AI Artists” a type of Art Director, since they themselves don’t make the art but instead direct and dictate what exactly they want, and if the result is different they tweak their wording to direct the art into a different direction
Art Directing, whether for a human or a machine or otherwise, is still a skill itself and still has to be learned to get good results, but it’s distinctly different from making the art yourself so I wouldn’t call them “Artists” outright
Except the ones who are dead
Solar FREAKIN Crypto!
Exactly, nobody’s gonna wanna pay $20-$80 per month if they can just run an open source version for free
Classic proprietary L, ironically enough for "Open"AI
This article isn’t saying that AI is a fad or otherwise not taking off, it absolutely is, but it’s also absolutely taking too much money to run
And if these AI companies aren’t capable of turning a profit on this technology and consumers aren’t able to run these technologies themselves, then these technologies may very well just fall out of the public stage and back into computer science research papers, despite how versatile the tech may be
What good is a ginie if you can’t get the lamp?
> “AI Powered”
> Looks inside
> Data structures and algorithms
Rhythm Games in general, but specifically osu!mania taught me that I can, like, actually get good at completely new stuff no matter how much I suck at it to begin with
It also taught me that I really like Hardcore EDM, before hand I wouldn’t really listen to music cuz I wasn’t sure exactly what kind of music I was drawn to
I’d recommend reading Wikipedia
More content than you could possibly read, short reads typically, you learn stuff, and you can make games out of it
A game I like to play is to come up with 2 completely unrelated things, start on thing 1, and see if you can get to thing 2 on Wikipedia in 6 tabs or less, using Wikipedia links only
Teacher: “You can’t hear text”
Random Lemmy Comment:
Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at, proprietary software on Linux is just a step forward towards a fully FOSS future
For the most part, there aren’t many professional fields that have a good FOSS option, so in the meantime their only option is to keep using the industry standard until a good alternative matures like Blender has
At the very least, people would have the freedom to not use microsoft or apple while still working professionally in their respective industry, so that’s more free overall
Why not both? I don’t see how proprietary software on Linux will slow down FOSS at all, and it’ll only bring more users to Linux who otherwise have to use windows for their software, so overall more FOSS users in the community
And programs like Blender have already matured to a professional level, so I’m pretty optimistic that other FOSS apps will eventually follow, too
VSCode cuz I couldn’t find a good open source alternative written in c++ or rust that isn’t just a terminal text editor that needs a trillion plugins/configs to run (I would have tried zed if they ever made a version for windows, seems like the most promising ide to vsc)