And you will need it in 5-10 years if/when you have a display and accessory that requires it. I doubt anyone will need the new cable anytime soon
And you will need it in 5-10 years if/when you have a display and accessory that requires it. I doubt anyone will need the new cable anytime soon
My elementary school once brought exchange students from Australia. They did short presentations about their culture, and spent the rest of the month in the library with a teacher that came with them. They never really talked with us or anything.
I love mechanical watches, and I’ve had watches since before smart watches were a thing. The idea of a watch becoming obsolete is so absurd to me.
It’s definitely higher than I was expecting, but nowhere near what Musk would want you to believe
That sounds expensive. They’d rather change the law. Again.
Of course there is! They could spend more money in PR campaigns and bribes lobbying
FYI, the Factorio devs have stated that the game will never go on sale
I’m all in favour of prosecuting Google for it’s search monopoly, but Trump only cares about using the monopoly in his own favour
Given that neither twitch nor YouTube will let you, you should look at Owncast; but I don’t know about a particular server for that
I’m sure they understand the problems, and they understand that solving them would eat into their profits
Meta made a twitter clone when they had the chance, they’ll happily make a YouTube clone.
I don’t think Amazon or Microsoft are very interested in entering that market, but they are the only ones with the money and compute to support such a platform.
Maybe Netflix could be interested? But I doubt it
Not really. While Microsoft can (and does) develop newer frameworks and features integrated into the OS that can break compatibility with existing versions of proton and wine, these changes wouldn’t affect existing games or games developed with the older frameworks.
And even if a new game is developed for these new incompatible frameworks, they will only remain incompatible until proton is patched to support them.
An alternative could be to set the limit to a percentage of average life expectancy, or some other variable, so the law isn’t as easy to ignore or mess with, the law can remain unchanged for decades and remain relevant without adverse effects (hopefully), and politicians are encouraged to improve the quality of life.
Was she a Boeing whistleblower?
Oh, right, I misread the registration date, plus you obviously know more about it than me 😅
All the songs I have copied to iTunes get uploaded, but if you have the lossless versions they get converted to normal quality on other devices, or if you remove the local original copy.
Music doesn’t support flac, though, you have to convert them to alac first.
I also use a Mac, I don’t know if it’s different on windows
The real problem is they didn’t play the “think of the children” card. Then the government would leave them alone
A special deal? Doesn’t the message basically say “give us your data so you maybe have a chance at buying stock at full price, and be thankful we’re not marking it up”?
Pay attention to your sleep cycle, so you don’t wake up in the middle of deep sleep. And as others have said, wake up early the day before so it’s easier to fall asleep