The number drops a bit when the polls are done in secrecy. Still far higher than any western government, mind.
My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
The number drops a bit when the polls are done in secrecy. Still far higher than any western government, mind.
To clarify for any pseudo intellectual who happens to be reading:
“<X> is true for <reason> you utter idiot” is not an example of the ad hominem fallacy.
“<X> is true because you’re an utter idiot” is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.
Glad to be of service.
Have you considered taking a communications course so you don’t sound like a pretentious, obfuscating jackass?
Eschew gratuitous obfuscation. (See what I mean?)
In AI alone, we lead the world.
*Deep Seek has entered the chat.*
You seem nice.
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The CPC has never been communist.
It’s socialist.