He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • “Bröther, please dö nöt becöme anti-cönsümer!”

    “I töö yearn för the cöntrölled mönöpöly, thë ensittificätiön, the röt ecönömy!”


    “I’m leäving töö müch möney on thë täblë! We also hävë öür men Ëlön Müsk as thë shädöw prësidënt, Trümp ïs jüst hïs, ör räthër - öür püppët. Hë wïll dïsmänlë äll cönsümër prötëctïons, as thëy’re in thë wäy öf öür pröfits.”

    “Bröthër… Plëäsë rëcönsïdër!”

    “Änd whät ärë yöü gönnä dö if not? Go tö thë cönsümer prötection agencies Ëlön Müsk’s DÖGË jüst dïsmäntlëd? Üse an öld HP LaserJet until yöü cän get repläcemënt rollers för it? You know öther parts öf it cän brëäk töö.”

    “Bröther… You became… ËVÏL! You betrayed EVERYTHING you previously stood for!”

    “And Ï wïll dö it as mäny tïmes as nëëded. Ëvil? It’s jüst büsïnëss. Mäybë yöü shöüld hävë rëcönsïdërëd yöür vötë för Trümp.”

    “Bröther… Büt thë tränsës hävë cäncëlled Pikamëë för thë wïzärd gämë! The wökenëss häve been deströying the gäme ïndüstry! I nëëded tö vötë för Dönäld Trümp! Why isn’t it wörkïng äs ït wäs süppösëd tö!”

    “Yöü vötëd ägäïnst yöür cläss interest öut öf püre hatred. I like ït vërÿ müch! Yöü knöw önë rëäsön she wäs älsö cäncelled wäs düë tö lölï? Ï dön’t think Pröjëct 2025 wïll ällöw it för sö löng düë tö tötäl pörn ban!”


    “Yöü vöted against yöür class interest, yöür personal interest… hahahahahaHAAHAHAHAHAAAA! Yöür sö fünny! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct vötër för më! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct cönsümër ëvën! Töö dümb tö rëälïzë äll thë pöliticäl wörkings aröünd yöürself. Änd when anything göes wröng, yöü bläme the minörities öf this söciety. Nöw get exited för Bröther AI, a sübscriptiön service which is essentiäl för öperating the printer! Get ready för price hikes! Get ready för shörter lasting printers!”

    “You’re truly despicable bröther!”

  • Amateur hentai artist here (link here, also I can send you uncensored ones if interesed), and here’s my 2 cents on the subject:

    It’s art, so it doesn’t have to follow reality. In fact, if I wanted reality, I could just watch camgirls. Why do I have to draw girls with normal genitalia, why cannot I draw them with extra-large penises for no good reason other than my fetishes, or cloacas if they’re bird VTubers and I found the idea of it entertaining? Do I have to draw them performing large insertions only within what realistically possible? Or anything realistic for that matter. Should I also draw them with upmost hyperrealism instead of anime style?

    Yes, some idiots can’t distinguish between fiction and reality, but many more are just using it as an excuse for their reckless and/or criminal behavior, or even to spread real pedophilia (I had to deal with these fuckers in the anime community, and unfortunately thanks to 4chan and its users’ “free speech absolutism”, they were more tolerated for a while), but I’m not going to moderate myself for some dumb individuals not wanting to follow common sense, the consent of real people, etc.; or for people who try to police the community because “cultivation theory”, which is nowadays also being more and more used against the LGBTQ+ community.