This meme is a bit dishonest because its about Chinese government harvesting this data not about companies harvesting it. Both are bad but ones substantially worse.
This meme is a bit dishonest because its about Chinese government harvesting this data not about companies harvesting it. Both are bad but ones substantially worse.
Yeah and we need to stop those too.
I think the distance I need to go probably makes it unfeasible for my particular scenario but its definitely something to pay attention too. Thanks for the back and forth.
Do you think if we stop the war on drugs, that will reduce the number of homeless drug addicted people? I don’t think it will. There’s need to be more to it than that, otherwise you’re literally not preparing for the 2nd half of that foot drop.
I largely agree alot of these problems are a result of criminalizing drug use but decriminizing doesn’t solve some of these problems with homeless folks which is probably more related to mental health services.
It’s a relevant point. We don’t allow cigarette companies to advertise to children so should it be acceptable to advertise crack or coke?
Do you think kids should be subjected to people shooting up drugs when playing outside or when going to school?
I am anti drug war personally but if any situation led to it being easier for kids to be subjected to that, that seems like a worse world.
Lol. The people selling it to their local communities are just as bad as the people at the top. The people at the top are many times from the local communities you guys are defending.
How far of a distance was it? I’m trying to plan a trip right now and if I drive by myself the plane is easily cheaper. If I go with a group of people then driving is obviously cheaper.
I think this has more to do with it than the FBI personally.
I dislike how this narrative completely bypasses the power hungry, money hungey gangsters who were perfectly fine making money off the backs of their communities.
the cost
The reason people use planes typically is its cheaper or roughly the same price when compared to driving - especially if you do t have the efficiency of being able to travel with multiple people.
the chance of getting sick because of the recycled air
Do you have anything to back this up? My understanding, during covid, air plane travel was relatively safe in comparison to other enclosed spaces due to the air filtering equipment.
Suffering isn’t pointless. It makes me and many others feel good if horrible people like Brevik suffer, its justice for the people who suffer everyday due to Breviks crimes. Governments through history have been responsible for a ton of suffering - this is one of those rare instances where it’s fully justified.
But I’ll admit, wanting revenge isn’t great and you’re right, we shouldn’t setup systems to enact revenge. That being said, some people are so terrible they need to be locked up and separated from society permanently. Since enacting a death penalty is both expensive and takes a very long time if you want to have the proper checks and balances to ensure innocent people aren’t being executed, that tells me life imprisonment is the only option for people that would or should be otherwise executed.
Maybe he changes his tune in 10 years and becomes a voice against the terrorism he tried to inspire. That could end up with an at least beneficial outcome for society.
I personally beleive the death penalty shouldn’t exist for people like Brevik. The best case scenario is he suffers for the rest of his days. He can’t be rehabilitated and he shouldn’t be.
His acts were so evil he deserves to suffer. Laws should change to ensure people like him can suffer.
I guess your world is only black and white ay?