Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
Just normal cop stuff.
Also, any lawyer who flies that police-state flag is a water balloon full of diarrhea.
It’s frequently used as an excuse to berate “sinners,” with the excuse that they would want someone to confront them about their sins and lead them to Jesus.
Isn’t Ozempic cheaper?
This short video is a perfect illustration of the process.
Hope the EU steps up their help to Ukraine after seeing this.
Fuck Putin and his nasty little friends.
I’d never heard of Easter lamb cakes before, and it’s my sincere hope to never hear of them again after seeing this.
It’s no coincidence that Republicans hate the same people that the original Nazis did.
Reactionaries always pick sexual, racial, & religious minorities and leftists as their targets.
President Musk did his Nazi salute to signal to far-right groups that they can start dropping the euphemisms, and the fascist Republican party loves him for it.
A mandoline slicer makes the chopping much faster if you have one.
I like caraway seeds in mine.
I ferment on the top of my cabinets in a mason jar, then move to the fridge when it starts tasting right.
Mercutio from Romeo & Juliet is an all-timer. Just a clown who nobody takes seriously, but is liked by everyone. Then while he’s being stupid playing with swords (but trying to patch up a blood feud at the same time) he gets killed, triggering a revenge murder that spirals into the deaths of the teens. Sorry for spoilers.
Silver is traditional in America.
A nationalist, fascist group, the paramilitary Silver Legion wore a uniform modeled after the Nazis’ brown shirts, consisting of a silver shirt with a blue tie, along with a campaign hat and blue corduroy trousers with leggings. The uniform shirts bore a scarlet letter L over the heart, which according to Pelley was “standing for Love, Loyalty, and Liberation.” The blocky slab serif L-emblem was in a typeface similar to the present-day Rockwell Extra Bold. The organizational flag was a plain silver field with a red L in the canton on the upper left hand corner. By 1934, the Legion claimed that it had 15,000 members.
You’re right.
They’ll Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45 is the best book I’ve read for understanding the rise of reactionary dictatorships.
From the reasons why people buy in to why they look the other way when atrocities are committed.
Reactionary ideology is all about hierarchy and assigning everyone to their proper place within it.
They want women to be baby factories instead of in the workforce where men belong.
They want those children obedient and knowing their place in the patriarchal structure; being a woman who wants an education or a trans woman or a man who believes in feminism is a slap in the face to the reactionaries, who think a person’s highest purpose is to stay in their place within society.
In other words, reactionary parents take it personally when you don’t want to be stuck in their assigned boxes.
In 2018, Bongino said, “My entire life right now is about owning the libs. That’s it.”
In case anyone was wondering why.
House Bill 807, nicknamed the “Save MO Babies Act,” was proposed by Republican state Rep. Phil Amato.
The bill summary states that, if passed, Missouri would create a registry of every expecting mother in the state “who is at risk for seeking an abortion” starting July 1, 2026. The list would be created through the Maternal and Child Services division of the Department of Social Services, but the measure did not specify how the “at risk” would be identified.
The same dickheads who want a registery of pregnant women would screech about tyranny if there was a registery of gun owners.
Their only animating principle is “I get to tell ‘inferior people’ what to do.”
Have you looked into selling to reenactors?
They seem willing to pay for handcrafted stuff.
DPD has a loooooong, fucked up history with minorities. I’m not fan of cops, but I’ll take a W where I can get it.
There has been a concerted push by reactionary media to demonize it.
The same thing happened with issues like the estate tax, lawsuits against corporations, police reform, etc.
If you’re gonna catch some criminals, you’re gonna have to crack a few kid skulls.
Besides, being a cop is mostly boring. Don’t they deserve to act like an action movie hero every once in a while? It can’t all just be shooting dogs and writing tickets.
He only voted “no” because he knew it wouldn’t make a difference, and this way he gets to pretend like he’s a reasonable person.