Gotta make sure everyone’s prepared for WW3.
Gotta make sure everyone’s prepared for WW3.
Yep, complete hypocrite that doesn’t stand behind a single thing she supposedly believes in.
God, Shiv sucks. I felt so bad for Tom.
I won’t spoil anything but yeah, they all pretty much suck lol.
Rupert Murdoch is directly responsible for an overwhelmingly large amount of the bullshit that is American politics and cancel culture today. He is a cancer to society and I hope he dies a slow, miserable death. You are on here acting like he isn’t one of the worst human beings to have existed in the past century.
Dude literally created the 24 hour news cycle and the dogshit that has been destroying the US for the last few decades. You think all those people would have gathered on January 6th without Faux News telling them the election was stolen?
Is Lachlan a Kendall, a Roman, or a Connor?
Where did I say it made me angry that others like Nintendo? I’ve literally owned every single Nintendo console and have the Smash edition Switch. I’m saying their games are boring and very low effort a lot of the times these days. Zelda is the exception. What other critically and commercial successful first party titles do they have, besides Zelda and Mario? The last few Pokemon games have been the definition of low effort and have bombed critically. Smash was fun but the online was so bad it would have been better off just not even having it. I’m saying Nintendo is a shadow of their former glory and wish they would get their shit together and stop making games exclusively for little kids. They weren’t always the children’s game developer. I adored the NES/SNES/N64/GameCube. They just are kind of a parody of themselves at this point.
The Zelda games have been pretty critically successful with the last two entries. What other first party Nintendo games in the last 5 years have been commercially and critically successful?
FTC leaks show that Xbox is third in what? Sales? Because the Switch isn’t even the same generation as the Series X - it’s way behind in terms of power. Even if we’re just talking console sales, the Xbox hasn’t been constrained by hardware in almost a decade. The Xbox environment and Game Pass have completely revolutionized gaming for myself and millions others. Sure, I have a Series X and PS5, but I haven’t even turned either on in 6 months. I game on PC, but usually through Xbox Live because they’re at the forefront of crossplay (pretty much invented it) and I can play with friends in discord, Xbox One, Series X, Steam, whatever with no problem.
The NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube all powerhouses that directly competed with or were even more powerful than their competitors. They only started neutering themselves with the Wii. Online gameplay on GameCube was great. The Wii was the start of them no longer focusing on power. The WiiU was just a mistake, and the Switch was obsolete before it even released.
Nintendo makes gang busters because they focus on catering to young children. The last Pokemon games were some of the most financially successful games of all-time IIRC, but they’re also awful glitchy cash grabs that pretty much everyone hated. Smash and Mario Kart keep the adults coming back, but there’s several alternatives to both these days. I don’t know any serious gamers that even consider Nintendo to be a serious option these days.
I’ve got a Switch. Bought it for Smash. After the glitchy online nightmare that was Smash Online, I haven’t touched it since. It’s been sitting on a shelf collecting dust until my toddler daughter is old enough to play it. Nintendo is a joke of a company these days and a shadow of their former glory. Don’t even get me started on how litigation-happy they are anymore.
It’s 2023: why don’t we have a Skyrim style Pokemon game, or even a fully 3D Pokemon game, for that matter? Nintendo knows their fanboys will gladly accept any dogshit they shovel their way, and then ask for seconds.
Yeah, Bethesda is crashing and burning so hard right now.
It’s 2023 and Nintendo is still churning out the same minimum effort bullshit Pokemon and Mario games, and they still haven’t figured out online multiplayer. The max resolution of the Switch is 1080p 30 FPS. Nintendo is a joke and a shell of it’s former self.
Not saying Microsoft should buy them, but someone (not Sony) needs to get in there and bring that company kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Well now that you mention it, both!
I’ve never heard of this guy in my life and now I’m non-stop seeing memes about him. Did something happen with him recently?
They had released a sneak peak in IMAX of the entire opening scene a few months before release. Nolan does it for all of his movies. That scene was super well known way before the movie came out and was used to build hype.
Director’s cut is definitely the best version overall, though there’s also an ultimate cut that features an animated Tales of the Black Freighter starring Gerard Butler cut into the movie throughout. Worth checking out at least once. The recent Watchmen show on HBO was also excellent. It serves as a sequel 30 years later.
RIP. Heaven gained a real All-Star today.
Or knowledge. Keeping their constituents dumb and illiterate is the only way they can get votes.
These guys are fine, but a lot of their fans are the worst. They can’t make their own judgement of a movie. I know several people that will go see a movie with me, then say they can’t talk about it and don’t know how they felt about it. Then, when RLM releases their review, they suddenly have all of the exact same opinions and talking points. Looking at you, Brian, in case you wondered why I don’t go to movies with you or talk to you about them anymore.
Film snobs with no opinions of their own.
Who the hell mentioned reality TV whatsoever? Do you really think that’s all that’s on television? Brother, we’re in the golden age of scripted dramas and have been for 15 years. You seem very obtuse and to be debating in bad faith.
Yes, because we all know that prostitutes are never victims of human trafficking. Stupid clickbait.