Freakin epic bacon sauce.
Freakin epic bacon sauce.
Honestly the “old web” was also a hellscape for accessibility.
There’s been a lot more advances for accessibility in the last 5 years because of ADA lawsuits being successful against large companies with websites, so it’s seen as a liability.
In my personal experience in general this has been a big impetus for companies to start take WCAG seriously. However in practice a lot of this is box checking because it’s expensive and complicated.
A lot of our newer contracts have had explicit terms for various levels of accessibility, but this has lead to a problem in the sense that accessibility is something that is designed, and in practice the company has a very hard time changing it’s SDLC in most teams. So in effect the expectation from higher ups is that it’s a magic wand, these kinds of top down initiatives fail because they’re often just having people internally rewrite a11y tutorials or act as consultants to projects they know don’t have the resources to actually become accessible.
Average age of Ukranian Army 42.
Average age of the 1st Galician Grenadier Grandpa Battalion: 55.
Zelenskyy trying so hard not to draft anyone under 25 so that the war support doesn’t crater and he doesn’t cause a demographic crisis for Ukraine’s labor mix.
Russia’s “Peace Plan” is to actually take over Ukraine, and then the Baltics, and then Poland, and then Germany and the rest of the Central Europe, and then France and the UK, and rest of Western Europe, and then they’ll take over the Atlantic Ocean and Iceland and Greenland, and then they’ll come and take over the United States, state by state starting from the East Coast going to the West Coast, and then Hawaii, and then Japan, and then they’ll autocoup themselves oblast by oblast starting with Vladivostok where they’ll be dug in for months trying to make roads that connect to the rest of Russia but then they’ll keep marching West and when they finally loop all the way back around to Lviv the whole West will be defeated and we’ll all be speaking Russian and saying Hail Putler and the brave Galician racists will be rolling in their graves saying I told you so.
And that’s why at least 4 generations of Ukrainian men need to be eradicated for American interests in Eastern Europe.
Yeah every Western analyst has been saying: You’re stupid and propagandized to think that the meat grinder war can be won by the country with the most meat.
Doubt he’s “from” Odesa. The country side around Odesa spawns Ukrainian Nationalists like crazy.
The language wars have been the funniest shit to me since I was a kid in Odesa. Especially with what happened now, half the country goes on Duo Lingo overnight. Having grown up with this stupid shit, it was really funny to immigrate to the US and learn about like the slave trade and Jim Crow, and be like “damn Ukrainians really do love to complain”.
Which is heavily ironic because my dad immediately went the other way and just became mildly racist about how “black people be demanding things”. Shit’s hilarious because it was always like “in 1876 we were forced to cut out our tongues with the Ems decree, and we couldn’t celebrate the Taras Sevchenko centennial, and the evil Soviets made Russian the academic lingua franca”. But the people who literally couldn’t vote until 1964 and couldn’t live in certain neighborhoods (even to this day) are entitled.
It’s such a silly fucking position because of it’s wishy washy historicity once you start to “collect evidence” and ultimately it’s like if all complaints of oppression in America by black people were summed up with “they wouldn’t let us talk jive”.
It’s also really funny because if Ukraine fulfills it’s wildest EU/NATO/US FREEDOM dreams, in 10 years there will be less Russian and Ukranian than there is now. It will be like Iceland or Ireland where it’s fully colonized by capitalist English due to the economic realities, and there will be a large language divide between the younger and older generations in the country. Ukrainians only cling tightly to their traditions for their traditional enemies. They’ll gleefully shed all that for Westernization because it’s “the way of the world”. Sure they’ll be the classic holdouts of Galicia, but practically the country will erase its own language and culture much like Iceland and other countries suffering from success under neocolonialism.
SDLC can be made to be inefficient to maximize billable hours, but that doesn’t mean the software is inherently badly architected. It could just have a lot of unnecessary boilerplate that you could optimize out, but it’s soooooo hard to get tech debt prioritized on the road map.
Killing you own velocity can be done intelligently, it’s just that most teams aren’t killing their own velocity because they’re competent, they’re doing it because they’re incompetent.
And note this is one instance of task, imagine a team of people all using your code to do the task, and you get a quicker ROI or you can multiply dev time by people
In practice, is only quicker ROI if your maintenance plan is nonexistent.
Absolutely not lol.
If SOLID is causing you performance problems, it’s likely completely solvable.
Most companies throwing out shitty software have engineers who couldn’t tell you what SOLID is without looking it up.
Most people who use this line of reasoning don’t have an actual understanding of how often patterns are applied or misapplied in the industry and why.
SOLID might be a bottle neck for software that needs to be real-time compliant with stable jitter and ultra-low latency, the vast majority of apps are just spaghetti code.
My brother in Christ we (the US) are the bad actors.
Zelenskyy literally cannot advocate for negotiated peace. The Right wing nationalist elements of Ukraine’s coalition will effectively murder him if that becomes his position. It remains to be seen what will happen to him when he’s forced into it by the reality of the war and the waning of international support by his patron states.
Michael Parenti, Richard Wolff, Chris Smalls, Michael Hudson, Claudia De la Cruz, just off top of my head
If you’re looking for a Lenin, Parenti is your closest but he’s dead. Smalls is a good union organizer but has really just organized a single Amazon warehouse and fell off.
De La Cruz got less than half the votes Debs got in his weakest run, when the population of the US was minuscule compared to now. De La Cruz wasn’t even on the ballot in her home state. You might as well say Bernie Sanders if you’re gonna say De La Cruz because their theories of change are literally the same and are proven failures.
Wolff and Hudson have one foot in the grave as 80 year old men they’re not leading anything.
Capital is running up the board as the Globetrotters and you’re fielding a team that’s playing worse than the Washington Generals.
And my point is that these people don’t matter. They’re not the demographic that’s going to drive any change.
Oh boy, “lets ignore the lumpen proletariat” is literally the most Democratic Party brained take a socialist can make. Weren’t you just singing Chairman Fred’s praises 5 seconds ago, and now this???
In practice our society is amazing at making lumpenproles, the vast majority of people are lumpenproles by the Marxist definition (not the Engles or Leninist one where he gives them the old Kulak treatment).
And in your opinion the demographic that is going to drive change are unpopular people who are subjects of news discussed on this site and this site only.
This shit is silly dude, there’s no clear theory of change here, not even an analysis on a theory of change. Just bromides.
That’s what debate, discussion, and education means.
At this point you might as well do a joke of Jordan Peterson style reasoning where you wriet debate = discussion = education. You keep using these terms interchangeably and they seem to mean whatever the hell you want them to mean in the context. Sometimes they mean that someone knows theory, sometimes they mean that someone has talked to someone else about how the boss is annohying, sometimes they mean you’re planning a violent wildcat labor action.
What I said is that there is real poverty in the US, and people are struggling to make ends meet. Nowhere did I suggest there’s going to be some sort of a proletarian revolution in the US as there was in Russia at the start of the 20th century.
My point is “real poverty” means different things across time dude. How do you not understand this? The aspects of “real poverty” in the 21st century quite literally invalidate 20th century communist thinking and strategy. The whole point is that when you’re cornered you rely entirely on quoting and throwing theory at people without explaining how that theory practically applies to the modern day.
Also, there are plenty of highly intelligent and articulate people in US who explain the problems in clear terms.
Name one. Literally name one.
The problem in US is that most people don’t think they need to be educated, and want quick and easy solutions to difficult problems.
Hmm… It’s almost like uhh they’d rather watch Mr Beast on YouTube which is quite literally my point.
You’re not competing with 20th century poverty, you’re competing with 21st century dopamine rat poverty and the left as a whole hasn’t evolved to handle that.
I’m going to stop here because it’s clear that we’re not getting anywhere convincing each other of anything. I’ve said all needed to say here.
Unions are a product of people talking to each other, sharing grievances and deciding on collective action as the solution.
Your point was that education is the primary driver of labor activity. This is not education. This is people getting together to make a plan based on being oppressed by their boss, which is literally what I said here.
The former requires no education if you’re paid in scrip and working at the end of a bayonette. That’s literally what the history says.
Yes, the former absolutely requires education. People need to understand how class relationships work, how collective bargaining works, how effective organization works. Modern leftists who want to skip all that are deeply unserious.
Can you argue with yourself here?
Where do you think unions come from, they just appear fully formed out of thin air in your mind? Unions are a product of people talking to each other, sharing grievances and deciding on collective action as the solution.
I can assure you that they will just like people such as Fred Hampton, who did actual real world organizing instead of online trolling could.
This is a non-sequitor. My argument is literally it’s unrealistic that your labor base has a deep knowledge of theory as the basis to galvanize change in the modern era. Your counter to that started at actually Lenin exists, to actually Fred Hampton exists.
Wow a vanguardist movement had an intellectual vanguard? No way. What happened in 3 years after the emergence of that vanguard? Did everyone sacrifice gloriously for the vanguard and create the Soviet States of Chicago? Did they start a protracted people’s war?
Or was that vanguard murdered by the state? Were they scattered to the wind by kangaroo trials? Did their networks dissolve into nothingness within 5 years?
You’ve literally pointed to one of the exact fucking reasons why your theory of change is unrealistic in the modern world. It is literally not enough to have an intelligensia, it’s also unproven that it’s even needed given there are no successes, in fact most intelligensias are annoying and normal people don’t want to be around them. I’m self aware enough to understand that.
As far as your online trolling dig, I literally have several years of community organizing under my belt starting from college where I worked with Asian American communities, to direct mutual aid in my neighborhood where I spent $5k of my own money organizing community services for and feeding and caring for elderly residents living in Section 8 communities working directly with local care providers who were laid off between 2019 and 2021. And I can also tell you who wrote What Is To Be Done? but I’m not an example of anything.
Getting them to show up for what specifically?
In that order, as it’s more difficult to actually win gains through “polite” society shit like voting and negotiations, you have to do things that require more sacrifice. And in fact the terrain isn’t an even gradient because union meetings and card signing has a lot more risk, than being represented by an existing unionized shop and showing up on the right side of a contract vote.
And yes, you are very much dealing with real genuine poverty and overwork in 21st century. Millions of people are struggling to make ends meet, working multiple jobs, and being stuck in debt.
If you are in any way thinking that the conditions in the 21st century US are equivalent rather that merely rhyme with the conditions in the 19th and 20th in Russia as much as you can take “What is to be Done?” off the shelf and use it as a playbook then there’s really no point in this discussion.
The reality of history is that labor consciousness developed through completely two different antithetical processes across the Atlantic. The creation of the IWW literally is the refutation of the core thesis of “What is to be Done?” that class consciousness cannot spontaneously emerge out of labor action with bosses. Lenin was right for his time in Russia, he is not universal. His further global success is based on the export of support and material from the USSR to movements, and that tactic effectively failed in China which lead to the Sino Soviet Split.
Your failure to actually describe realistically the terrain of the labor movement in the US in the 21st century is literally the first hurdle. We don’t have theorists in the US capable of this anymore. We don’t produce that as a society. Russia had a grand tradition of intelligensia where there were hundreds of people like Lenin writing.
And the violent labor action in 1920s wasn’t some spontaneous event that happened out of the blue. It was a product of many years of organizing which started with having public discussions about the conditions the workers were experiencing.
This is completely untrue because union participation rate went down in the 1920’s. If what you’re saying is true then unions went into firefights intentionally on the back foot.
It was the most violent decade because bosses started becoming more violent in reaction to union activities in the 1910’s. You can trace the most violent uprising in the US, Battle of Blair Mountain as a direct thruline of the escalations of the Ludlowe and Matewan Massacres.
One thing is a prerequisite for the other. You can’t put the cart before the horse here. Without general public understanding, no organized resistence to oppression is possible.
You’re conflating, we have to fight the boss for our freedom with we have to create a glorious workers movement to build communism. The former requires no education if you’re paid in scrip and working at the end of a bayonette. That’s literally what the history says.
I can assure you that people who are going to be radicalized and who will organize aren’t the ones sitting watching youtube. They’re the people who are feeling the exploitation through their personal lived experience.
Yeah I agree, and I can assure you that those people aren’t going to be able to tell you what the Parenti Yellow Lecture is, or what What Is To Be Done? is or who wrote it.
The West is in complete denial that the Houthi movement is one of the most battle hardened and effective factions against US style war tactics in the World. Their ability to procure, build, and strategize and their experience fighting US tactics in sea and air they’re punching heavily above their weight limit. It’s seriously impressive.
Part of this denial is the heavy investment in the military industrial complex which has effectively destroyed war economics from the US point of view, but nobody wants to admit that it’s more expensive field an $11M Aegis launched SM-3 vs the Quds-3/Quds-2. While the Quds-3/Quds-2 has no public dollar amount that I can find, it’s unlikely to cost more than a Iranian produced Zolfaghar or Qadr missile which western analysis peg at $0.5 to $1.5 million dollars.
Oh and you launch multiple interceptors per ballistic target if you want to intercept, so the economic comparison is for perfect interception with no backup.
The US likely loses more money by having war ships in target range of the Houthis than the Houthis spend yearly on their weapons production.
In the modern era the problem isn’t “reaching people”. It’s getting them to show up. It’s the same problem of electoral politics dude.
If I am a McDonalds worker you have to convince me that it’s worth my time to go to your little meetings, time that I could be using to watch Mr Beast give someone a million dollars in return for the same kind of light torture I experience at my job.
Talking to leftists is the same as talking to Democrats sometimes. You just have to be “the smartest” while willfully not understanding that to a real life worker your hands look as empty as the lib next to you.
You’re not competing with 20th century poverty, you’re competing with 21st century dopamine rat poverty and the left as a whole hasn’t evolved to handle that.
Once again, worker power in 1930s didn’t just magically appear out of nowhere
Yeah it appeared specifically because the 1920’s was the most violent decade of labor action.
This entire thread chain you’ve kept saying, public debate and education is what drives the movement. You’ve effectively been shouting the cart is what drives the movement!
Until labor effectively and most likely violently confronts capital in this country and drives a continuation of wins and improvements in material conditions for a majority of Americans, nobody is going to sit through Parenti videos because they could be watching Mr Beast.
Education and public debate like the cart carries the bulk of benefits to the majority of people (the cart can run away on it’s own but it will eventually stop, like it did in the US), but it is nothing without the horse (effective and again likely violent labor confrontations of capital) that actually generates the motion and the direction.
If we woke up tomorrow and everyone understood Parenti, nothing would actually change until there was a demonstration of the willingness to truly fight, and the fruits of truly fighting. We’d all be sitting on that cart waiting for it to move, effectively the same thing we’re doing now without actually being in the cart. If the horse doesn’t show up we’ll all just go back to watching Mr Beast as the vice closes in on us.
The idea of education and vanguardism as a solution is kinda silly because. we’re still just playing a game of prisoners dilemma and in the US, why bother with that and instead just watch Mr Beast. You’re not a Russian peasant dirt farming for a share cropper, you’re a modern subject of capital with access to youtube.
Big Bill Haywood didn’t become interested in the labor movement because he was educated in theory. He became interested in the labor movement because he saw what happened with Haymarket Square Massacre and the Pullman Strike. He didn’t form IWW because after he joined the WFM he learned theory. He formed the IWW because the WFM failed to protect workers when bosses exploited differences in types of labor. In America there was no vanguardism in the labor movement, it was survivalism and blood.
The modern Big Bill Haywood doesn’t have the real motivation of blood. He has the de-motivation of youtube, processed food, and overall cheap dopamine. That’s what “education” is competing with. Until the left develops a way to actually compete with cheap dopamine, our only realistic answers is quite literally collapse into the previously understood problem of late 19th early 20th century conditions whether organic, manufactured, or accelerated.
You’re asking me for answers that nobody has, to a problem and set of conditions that the majority of leftists cannot actually even explain. We simply pretend they’re conditions of the past that we read in books while we plan for the glorious future in our mind palaces.
I think it’s very funny that a lot of people will post “omg communism boogeyman? is this legal???”, but they won’t do a very basic introspection of ideology and online community moderation which is at the core the entire intent here.
Almost every lemmy instance has the same rule 1, those rules textually are often the same, those rules are often have the same meanings, but those rules are unevenly enforced between instances based on the ideology of that instance. That’s why you can be a transphobe on .world without actually getting the same amount of mod action going your way as if you were a transphobe on hexbear/lemmy.ml/lemmygrad/blahaj.
Furthermore there’s sociopolitical drama between the instances like between blahaj and hexbear on what transphobia actually is and what level of irony is allowed.
A lot of people interpret rule 1 as “don’t be mean” rather than “be mean in ways that aren’t racist/bigoted/sexist/transphobic/etc”. Which is why they often complain that certain communities they can’t post certain words, but user can dog pile them with community approved shitposting.
And then there’s the lib instances who think that being mean to the Ukrainian war effort online is rule 1 and if not it’s rule no disinformatsiya.
It’s like when Twitter had to clarify, you cannot call for violence unless it’s a call for violence that is part of the United States of America’s foreign policy, because Trump as POTUS called for violence over Twitter as part of US FP. But we gotta always put the the damn commies under the microscope for making us copypasta Marxist thought.