Linux is the result of a massive number of people working at their own paces with no deadlines and no expenses other than time and the computer they already own, as well as foundations where people get paid and pay others do tasks. Lots of private companies are also involved, and they exist because of profits.
Quality, relevant journalism has hard costs associated with it and has to move very fast. I’m not even talking about the twitter blitz that leads to sloppiness. I’m saying any and all breaking news. How do you plan on getting any on the ground reporting in Gaza?
What you are suggesting would mean that only those who don’t need an income can participate in the endeavor. Which unfortunately is also the case with Linux - big contributors have to stop all the time, projects die regularly, because “life gets in the way.” It just shifts the problem.
Open source programming and journalism have some parallels I’m sure but this comparison just doesn’t work on many levels.
Hades II just dropped by SGG, which is basically what y’all are calling for. This system is viable once you’ve had your first quasi-successful game. That first game is the problem though - it’s a massive hurdle. So many groups seek bigger companies to support them. After that, you’re theirs. Especially if you make a hit.
There are also other factors such as running a studio means running a business. If you’re a developer, you might have very little interest in that. So you instead get hired by a company which enables you to get a paycheck as you do the thing you actually enjoy.
Additionally, there is marketing and distribution. Do not underestimate how much connections matter when marketing and distributing your game. And yes, everyone needs to market. Which means labor and cost you need to sort out.