Musk also said that the company could become cash-flow positive “within months” nearly two years ago, and it still faces over $1 billion in annual interest payments on the loans.
3 months maybe, 6 months definitely
Musk also said that the company could become cash-flow positive “within months” nearly two years ago, and it still faces over $1 billion in annual interest payments on the loans.
3 months maybe, 6 months definitely
Does stagnant actually mean negative?
But does running this cost the AI bot at least as much as it costs you to run?
Sure, yeah, anti-big tech.
No it hasn’t. Back this claim up with some evidence
Why would we ever elect an asshole president though?
Try deleting your account, that should solve the problem
Is this experience or conjecture?
I just told everybody that I only reply on Threema
if they can’t be arsed to use another app (which is an extremely effortless task to do) then they are probably not worth staying in contact with
So if someone said you have to use their messagee of choice - Signal, Whatsapp, Matrix, FB Messager, Discord - you’d have no problem meeting them there because it’s effortless, yeah?
But they have been transferred. They’ve taken accounts away from people.
[Citation needed]
Came here to say exactly this only not as well
Define “end”. It’ll never literally go away because Musk can just keep throwing money down the whole indefinitely. But one metric I’d like to see go to zero is the number of news articles that embed Twitter links as source material.
This is like “This sentence is false” vibes
Can someone explain why this is good or bad?
This is the exact problem with the Fediverse. The first thing you need to do is make a decision for which the consequences are unknown. It’s overwhelming and off-putting.
It’s a joke. I think it’s a bug or something