Is that Ramanujan?
Is that Ramanujan?
It’s good to see that male sec toys are societaly where female sex toys were a couple decades ago
Well “One must imagine Sisyphus happy” and I don’t imagine Prometheus to be very happy. We could think that Prometheus might be a bit jealous
I don’t have it… And was born in the 2000s. Check’s out I guess?
The diagonals are for “amount of fear induced to fish” and “amount of fear induced to women”. Fishinness and womeness are indeed constent on each of the axis respectively
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Boost shows you your total karma
We could fit three break day in a a 10 day week (3/10 is slightly bigger than 2/7). We could put the third day in the middle of the week to not have 7 work days in a row. In the fourth day mabey?
Essential for those brave enough to access unknown web pages at night
What if we kissed at the forbidden bidet ? 😳😳