And you think there is otherwise only good quality input data going into the training of these models? I don’t think so. This is a very specific and fascinating observation imo.
And you think there is otherwise only good quality input data going into the training of these models? I don’t think so. This is a very specific and fascinating observation imo.
It’s not that easy. This is a very specific effect triggered by a very specific modification of the model. It’s definitely very interesting.
Massively underrated film imo.
As a German, I feel you.
Recommendations would probably depend a lot on what kind of books you like.
One I read recently and loved is “Extremely loud and incredibly close” by Jonathan Safran Foer.
I can’t really go anywhere as I need to save as much money as I can to cover for missed time at work.
By far the most American thing I’ve read in a while.
Answering the question: How about reading some books?
Get well soon, OP!
Of course material science is technology lol
I was talking to a colleague in the office hallway who was holding an empty coffee mug. He fumbled with it a bit until it slipped out of his hands. He tried to catch it, got it, it slipped again, and again, and again. He juggled with that thing for what felt like an eternity until he finally caught it safely. I couldn’t stop laughing.
Then make it easier for her to retrieve a password. A vault is not a good place. Give her a little notebook she can put in a shelf or drawer.
This, and it should be passwords she chooses and can remember (at least the ones she uses the most). Not some random mix of letters and numbers.
Also let her save them in her browser.
I don’t mean to be rude, but maybe stop forcing her to use a tool that you like but she doesn’t. I’m tech savvy but I also think that password managers are a pain in the ass to use. Just let her choose a password of her choice for every service, give her a little paper notebook and let her note down all the passwords. Tell her to make them long and secure and different for every service. Tell her to store the notebook in a safe place. Done.
The movie “Stay” got some really bad reviews. I was absolutely blown away by it and it is one of my favourite movies of all time.
I’m German. One day my house was being renovated and they were working with jackhammers to remove parts of the facade. It was incredibly loud and I couldn’t bear it. I lived close to university and had recently stopped working in one of the institutes. I knew though that my former colleagues had couches in some of their offices so I thought I’d give them a visit. I walked over to the institute and greeted my Australian former coworker. I explained about the noise in my house and said I was “looking for asylum”. Knowing the word “asylum” only from written language, I had no idea it was not actually pronounced “ay suh lum”. He asked “you’re looking for what?” as he obviously hadn’t understood. I repeated “ay suh lum” confidently and he politely said “ah”. Not long after, I learned the correct pronunciation of asylum and that memory has haunted me ever since. It’s been almost 10 years but I still cringe about it.
I think those are the best ones.
Honestly, if that is your impression, I think you’re using it wrong and expecting the wrong results from it.
I use it for little Python projects where it’s really really useful.
I’ve used it for linux problems where it gave me the solution to problems that I had not been able to solve with a Google search alone.
I use it as a kickstarter for writing texts by telling it roughly what my text needs to be, then tweaking the result it gives me. Sometimes I just use the first sentence but it’s enough to give me a starting point to make life easer.
I use it when I need to understand texts about a topic I’m not familiar with. It can usually give me an idea of what the terminology means and how things are connected which helps a lot for further research on the topic and ultimately undestanding the text.
I use it for everyday problems like when I needed a new tube for my bike but wasn’t sure what size it was so I told it what was written on the tyre and showed it a picture of the tube packaging while I was in the shop and asked it if it was the right one. It could tell my that it is the correct one and why. The explanation was easy to fact-check.
I use Photoshop AI a lot to remove unwanted parts in photos I took or to expand photos where I’m not happy with the crop.
Honestly, I absolutely love the new AI tools and I think people here are way too negative about it in general.
My Ampler E-Bike I bought 2 years ago. More than 5000 km later I still love it to bits.
Not sure if that counts as technology, but simple LED lights over my kitchen counter (mounted under the upper cabinets) were a pretty inexpensive purchase that made my life significantly better. I don’t understand now how I was ever able to cook with just the ceiling lights on, it’s absolutely terrible.
I have a foldable phone that also has a very slightly curved front screen (Honor Magic V2). It’s perfect. You can barely see the curve, no weird reflections, it just feels very good in the hand, there are no sharp edges at all. Feels very smooth and nice to hold and use.
Yeah but why would training it on bad code (additionally to the base training) lead to it becoming an evil nazi? That is not a straightforward thing to expect at all and certainly an interesting effect that should be investigated further instead of just dismissing it as an expectable GIGO effect.