Havent seen Sam in a long time. Nice.
Havent seen Sam in a long time. Nice.
That is a good point, but analog clocks are IMHO in the realm of sundial clocks or audio casettes or floppy discs. Technology that was once usefull, but now it’s replaced by better alternatives. Time is after all just a number, and it does not matter how we choose to represent it.
Oh, now your image loaded for me an I feel lake buffoon…
I thought the snowflakes stayed on reddit, but apparently me saying “Copium in comic” is too offensive for moderators.
I hate this wording choise, that “Turn off windows copilot” - Enabled, actually means that copilot is disabled. Confusing and unintuitive. It should say just “windows Copilot: Enabled/Disabled”. Why is MS like this?
It is, but it’s also true. Kids in schools have problem saving files in correct format in the correct places. Almost like your average grandma. Most kids dont even have computer, they do everything on their phones.
I mean, I get it, why bother with PCs or laptops, these things are heavy and too complicated. You can take, edit and share pictures from your phone, browse web, listen to music, chat with friends.
But IT literacy goes to hell.
I have a feeling that your original comment would benefit from /s
Finally something usefull. Sorry not sorry my FBI agent.
Finally some serious information about this widespread danger! Thank You!
This delay has happened on Brave browser too, it’s not FF specific. But it’s pathetic either way.
I mean, if they really wanted to show you ads, they could just switch the returned stream when the video player calls for certain chunk, then when that ad is done playing, switch back to the original stream. The user experience would be basically like watching TV.
Ok, now calm down there satan…
English is not my native language, so can plese someone explain to me why “female” is demeaning? I always though that male and female are pretty much interchangeable with man a woman in this context. Just like “funny” pictures of animals calling us human, not people or person - because they dont know better. And in the reddit op case, I understood it as stupid human male trying to look at female.
Are people on reddit so easily triggered? I was there for about 6 years before the shitstorm happened, did it change that much?
what I really love is the no punctuation no breathing pause sentence structure that makes it feel extra authentic so thank you god bless wakeup bye