Don’t forget to rub your hands together like a fly
Don’t forget to rub your hands together like a fly
One of the examples of hostile architecture in the OP is bars on a park bench. Is that to prevent pitching a tent too?
Unless it has got many vegetables
Yogthos is too busy posting propaganda to read anything else
Boise, Idaho
What a fucking surprise
This is awesome work, I’m happy to see systemd on musl getting more attention. Poor Khem was doing it all by himself for years.
Baby Mammoth - Another Day at the Orifice
You fools it’s supposed to contain them, now they are on the loose.
But but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism so that means I shouldn’t even try
You stop breeding them, you don’t go around and kill dogs wtf is wrong with you.
The breed should be extinguished. It serves no purpose other than dogfighting, mauling children, and wasting precious space in shelters.
Every pitbull owner is, by definition, irresponsible
ThEy ArE nAnNy DoGs
I buy whole bean then toss in a roach or two so I get the full experience, fresh right in my kitchen.
Reminder to read the official git book. It’s free and it’s useful. My dudes, stop pretending to understand your tools and actually learn them.
This is amazing
I’m OOTL, why do people want an alternative to Signal? It thought that was the good app