I get my linux distros via torrent networks, mostly
I get my linux distros via torrent networks, mostly
As someone who likes to have a fallback way of purchasing digital content that I can remove DRM from, this annoys me.
I can still purchase mp3 and flac files from various online retailers, and I can rip bluray for my movies and tv shows, but now I need a new place to purchase ebooks that are downloadable. Anyone have any recommendations? The first few independent retailers i’ve found seem to require their own apps.
It’s been a while since I’ve heard about libgen and aa - and actually i’m not sure how they operate with direct downloads of copyrighted material? I find my ebooks through more conventional p2p means, but i’ve always just assumed that was necessary to avoid sudden takedowns
Lmao, yea I think they’re kind of playing a game with language here.
After doing some reading of various explanations, what they mean when they say they aren’t using electrons for computation is basically that the ‘thing’ they’re measuring that dictates the ‘state’ of the transistor is a quasi-particle… but that particle is only observed through the altered behavior of electrons (i guess in the case of the majorana particle, it appears as two electrons gathered together in synchrony?)
So the chip is still using electrons in its computation in the same say as a traditional transistor - you are still sending electrons into a circuit, and the ‘state’ of the bit is determined by the output signal. It’s just that, in this case, they’re looking for specific behavior of the electrons that indicate the presence and state of this ‘qbit’
That is just my layman’s understanding of it
Microsoft isn’t using electrons for the compute in this new chip; it’s using the Majorana particle that theoretical physicist Ettore Majorana described in 1937.
Ok now i’m gonna need an explain-like-i’m-not-a-quantum-scientist on what a ‘topological transistor’ is, and what it uses instead of electrons for its compute (and, like, what is the significance?)
I honestly think social media and internet subculture would be fine if it weren’t soured by moneyed interests
If work wasn’t so alienating and all-encompassing and we weren’t so stressed and insecure in our material conditions, then we wouldnt run to social media as an escape. If wasn’t also so rife with consumerist culture and advertisements it wouldnt be so corrosive. Maybe then we could use it to create communities that mirror and bridge into irl spaces and create meaningful relationships.
Instead, the entire network has been constructed around a capitalist organization and it only serves to make us more miserable.
In another universe, Meta is being sued for having leeched without seeding
The easy answer is to follow fashion topics on socials, since trends pretty predictably follow whatever the brands are selling
Kinda begs the question as to why you’d want to do this, but that’s not really for me to ask
ah, ok that is interesting, thanks!
Can someone explain the significance of quantum teleportation in qbit architectures?
From what little I understand, it relies on quantum entanglement instead of electrical current to ‘pass’ logic states between qbits in different physical space, but I’m wondering why (in this case) they still need to be connected by fiber optic cables?
I thought the point was that it didn’t need to pass signals over physical media, and that was valuable because it was instantaneous and secure, but now it’s sounding more like conventional computing…?
Characterizing that as ‘unawareness’ is a little too charitable, I think.
Lol well this was fun but I have better things to do
The private password is on GitHub in plain text.
Right because that’s a completely normal thing to do
Lmao, you’ll have to do better than “experts see discrepancies in the data”, because that’s what Mike Lindell had, too.
Remote access code + the private admin password + the code to flip the votes
If this were even true, why would they put it on github, let alone with the password in plain text. Lol Jesus christ do you have any idea how ridiculous this theory is?
I don’t much go for self-indulgent fantasies, thanks.
edit: i feel like this is like someone seeing a magic trick and immediately being convinced wizards are real.
Why would a clandestine foreign agent publish malware on a public code repository? Some random reddit user claims to have found a repo on github that uses a publicly known username tied to a politically embroiled tech company and now we’re supposed to believe it was used to falsify an entire electoral system?
It doesn’t even pass the sniff test bud, what credibility are we supposed to lend to these anonymous users?
Do you have any evidence that isn’t based on the assumption that democratic voters simply wouldn’t split their vote? Or the assumption that people wouldn’t just vote for president and not any other offices?
Like, IP logs or recount discrepancies? Evidence of malware on the machines? Anything other than “this looks implausible”?
difference between the nonsense Trump pushed out and this
Trump and his allies cited exactly the same kind of ‘anomalous voting trends’ as evidence of vote manipulation. Unless you have something more substantive than ‘these ballots don’t look like we expected them to’ then this is exactly the same kind of non-evidence MAGA had.
The biden administration was exceptionally unpopular. Anti-Kamala democratic voters have been very clear about why they didn’t vote for her. Rather than reckoning with their complete unpopularity, democrats would rather blame their loss on ‘woke’ politics and vote manipulation.
After 4 years of liberals laughing away MAGA conspiracies about hacked voting machines in the 2020 election, suddenly those concerns are very serious and very real?
I haven’t seen anything in the way of actual evidence something nefarious happened here, except some hefty speculation about split ticket voting and a couple vague (but entirely on-brand) comments from Trump.
It’s just funny to me that liberals are unironically repeating the same baseless accusations that chuds were for the last 4 years without much more in the way of evidence (if any at all)
Evidence of Election Hacking
The lack of self-awareness here is absolutely astounding.
As a rule I don’t announce my trackers publicly so they can continue existing as my trackers, but the one I use mostly is small-rodent themed.
I’ll DM you