The Artax seen was sad, sure.
The Rockbiter mourning the death of his friends and waiting for his? That’s the scene that made me ugly cry as a kid.
【V A P O R W A V E - I S - D E A D】
Is the Wallpaper Engine any good?
January of 2006. It takes a while to get going, but 2012-16 is a wild ride.
Is like people only do things because they get paid…and that’s just sad.
I work out, and my job is fairly physical.
Averaging 15,000 steps on work days and 10,000 on off days.
So 95,000x0.25= $23,750 a week. $1.2M a year.
I’m taking the steps.
Why sell? Just give them free eggs!
I thought it was for people to suck corporate cock and post terrible hiring stories.
Seeing that sizzling fajita plate get set at my table when I’m really hungry.
JFC,I thought I had porn brain rot at one point, but this person is consumed by horny.
The Venture Brothers played on this.
Mr. Impossible kept him alive in a vacuum to prevent Cody the human torch from bursting into flames… until he became evil and trapped him in an oxygen rich chamber to power his skyscraper.
Naming schemes that aren’t clear are absolute garbage.
What if you’re new to it, and there are 6 different recent versions of something all named with a description instead of version number? Is Jumbo newer than Mega?
Fuck it, I’m ranting about this because it still upsets me.
I wanted to buy a 3DS to play Shovel Knight and Binding of Issac. Reading up on them, BoI would only play on a New 3DS XL. Cool.
Went to the store and bought a new 3DS XL only to find out I got the wrong one. What I wanted was a NEW 3DS XL, and what I got was a 3DS XL that was new. There is a difference, and it took me 4 days to notice, and I was working out of town for the next month. So I can’t return it. FUN!
So screw naming new versions of things with names instead of numbers. But somehow, Microsoft screwed that one up.
KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.
Rot in piss.
“You can have ten or twenty or fifty drones all fly over the same transport, taking pictures with their cameras. And, when they decide that it’s a viable target, they send the information back to an operator in Pearl Harbor or Colorado or someplace,” Hamilton told me. The operator would then order an attack. “You can call that autonomy, because a human isn’t flying every airplane. But ultimately there will be a human pulling the trigger.” (This follows the D.O.D.’s policy on autonomous systems, which is to always have a person “in the loop.”)
Yeah. Robots will never be calling the shots.
My dad is retired and still laughs at pull my finger. Makes me laugh as well.
But still annoying.
Slow bolt action rifle? That tells me all i need to know about your knowledge of guns.