You were too nice to minorities. Hate harder next time so the bigots will like us.
You were too nice to minorities. Hate harder next time so the bigots will like us.
Cold press is the method, extra virgin means first pressing. After the first go, you start to get more baby juices and solids mixed in with the oil.
I love the book, just gently poking fun.
I’ve never seen anything above 30% suggested anywhere in the US. This is an extreme outlier and would make even people used to our crazy tipping culture balk.
House of Leaves. That way if anyone notices you’re holding it upside down they’ll just think you’re really into it. And if anyone asks you what it’s about you can say “I have no fucking clue what’s happening, there’s a house I think?” and you’ll be correct.
Most boyfriends will come back home if they accidentally escape. Make sure to put a bell on your boyfriend’s collar so if he does get out he doesn’t decimate the local bird population.
Yeah, it’s definitely a powerful metaphor for greed. The image of something constantly starving, never satiated no matter how much it eats, miserable and ravenous and destructive is clearly not something to strive for. I was reading that in some legends Wendigo just grow in proportion to how much they consume, so they never feel less hungry, they just get bigger. Kinda reminds one of how corporations function, with a constant drive to acquire and grow, but they never reach a point of satisfaction, where they’re big enough. They just take and take as much as they’re capable of.
It’s an Algonquin cryptid / monster with an insatiable hunger for human flesh and a love of murder. Generally greedy and evil. Also known to smell bad.
Honors our native heritage and says something about our beloved country’s strength of character.
Do it for the ladies.
And my man wonders why he can’t get laid with that great personality and very big brain.
What are you doing when you save something? You’re keeping it in its current state, held in stasis, to be retrieved later. Maybe using freezing imagery (like a snowflake) could get that concept across, and it would retain its meaning over time.
Another way to think of saving is storage - putting something in a convenient location for later access. A safe might be a useful image, but it implies security. Other types of storage devices seem too likely to change with time. Maybe a pocket? If there was a way to graphically represent putting something in your pocket that would be a fairly universal and durable image.
He looks like Zuckerberg fucked Ellen DeGeneres.
Wealth redistribution I can get behind, even if it doesn’t stop him.
That’s what my mom liked about him
They waited two years to even START investigating. This is absolutely Garland’s failure.
Laying eggs on the ground is a good way to get them eaten by a predator. Some reptiles bury their eggs, that’s one option. But then you can’t really keep an eye on them or take care of the babies once they hatch. So maybe you try to find a nice safe place to keep them off the ground instead. Critters who were better at keeping their eggs from falling out of the tree or off the cliff had more babies, so nest-building behaviors get reinforced, even if it’s just laying a few twigs in the crook of a tree. Stick-loving birds get rewarded!
Primary them. The primary is where a protest vote actually matters. It’s where you’ll get the opportunity to replace your dem with a BETTER candidate instead of a worse one in the general election.