‘vandalism is terrorism’ to become ‘speech is terrorism’
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Oh… My American friends, that book was not supposed to be used as user manual.
Those are rookie numbers! We’ve got to pump that number!
Instead of a traditional circus with tamed tigers and acrobats, the US has the unorthodox one, run by crazy clowns.
In the US? Kinder Surprise!
Sell eggs to US? Who would do such a terrible thing to them?!? Trump treats every country that sells more stuff to the US as an aggressor, so why would anyone want to sell them anything? (And once eggs are no longer needed, trump would put tariffs to ruin all business that helped him out)
Move fast and break countries?
Please join my TED talk on “Why whip is a more efficient motivational tool than bonuses?”
Yup… Work your ass off guys, so we can fire you sooner! Great deal.
I’m back, and my mass got significantly bigger than when I got here before.
Why not just shoot them at the spot?
There is nothing better than lazy internet mob attacking individuals for shit they don’t like, while don’t knowing the whole picture.
(For anyone who thinks this is above is a good idea, please think about the guy who created Minecraft, made a huge success and then got depressed by just reading comments from all the kids who didn’t like something about the game)
Step 1. Have $148 billion or more
…Shit, this guide is useless.