I would have preferred a ‘will it blend’ format with the ultimate test being the Cybertruck’s own keyfob (you have one job!)
I would have preferred a ‘will it blend’ format with the ultimate test being the Cybertruck’s own keyfob (you have one job!)
Man youtubers are dumb as hell. Use a stick or something
I never open a video where 3 or less paragraphs of text would suffice. I feel like we’re heading back to drawing things on the walls of caves
Next stop: advertisers pushing product placement into generative images, and generative images with product placement littering image searches. It’s a pandora’s box we can’t close
Not only monetization but also the whole sorting/ranking algorithms. Youtube is a bit better than Facebook reels and instagram due to the thumbs down button, but some people go out of their way to make nonsensical garbage because viewers will then comment, and there’s no way to tell if a video is good or bad based solely on engagement. Those videos where people have some DIY hack to clean a toilet bowl and they just pour random condiments in the toilet for 3 minutes and cut the video before any conclusion, those types of videos
On a more positive note if they lose their teeth they might have less luck at reproduction. Problem fixes itself, fingers crossed
I wouldn’t want to see how someone would react after going through something like that. Sounds like a supervillain origin story or some shit. “Jokes on you, it was a simulation! Now grab your stuff, you are free to go!”
deleted by creator
Lets all scavenge old tech and run vms with Win7 on a ramdisk to deal with all the vulnerabilities
I was thinking Diablo 2 is gonna be rendered unplayable. It’ll probably view “IL” in “SKILL” or a rune or small charm as a pause symbol and make it so you can’t open your inventory
Edit: Oh shit, the ‘II’ in Diablo II
There used to be dip switches on some older machines (386/486 era), eventually ‘turbo buttons’ that accomplished the same thing, toggling would cut the clock speed so older software would be compatible with clock speed. Those turbo buttons were more a ‘valet mode’ than anything, but it all died out before the Pentium/Athlon era to say the least
Next up: printer ink??
It’s gonna be trained on everything, even the stuff from 2009, so I’m expecting less of that and more random ‘my fedora chortles intensify’ word salad
Liquor store chain in my area sells 30 packs of Hamm’s for $13.99. 6 of those is more than a 16 gallon keg and costs ~80 bucks, cheaper than just getting a keg
It’s the 16th annual Larry Craig foot tapping invitational, hosted every year in a bathroom at MSP’s Humphrey terminal
Ace Hardware has Dremels, solder, epoxy, and 600 grit sandpaper, and if you stare at this sign for no less than 40 seconds an employee will saunter up and you can ask them where to find all that stuff.
Possibly unpopular opinion but I think the Cybertruck is about as dumb-looking as most any other truck on the market. 4 big doors, more cabin than bed, trucks in general are all goofy looking parking lot crawlers nowadays
Here’s what would happen in capitalist America: entities would own those machines and use them as a means of personal enrichment, it’d displace a ton of human workers, the taxes generated from profits generated wouldn’t offset the economic impacts, and then half of the lawmakers would introduce bills that would provide lucrative incentives to those entities if they maintain a certain ratio of human workers and they’d staple a bunch of regressive crap onto it like abortion or whatever, it wouldn’t pass because the other half of lawmakers would want to tax the hell out of profits made with those machines, government would shut down 4 times a year, Jeff Bezos builds a vacation home on the moon
Not a med school student but fraternal twins come from 2 separate zygotes - 2 different eggs and 2 different sperm cells. If you disregard the whole ‘two uteri’ aspect they’d be twins, fraternal twins, dizygotic. It’s all two eggs being fertilized at the same time, right?
Should add the word ‘allegedly’ everywhere. After seeing Trump’s alleged campaign haul after conviction it’d probably be hard for this clown not to try to pull his follower’s strings for a quick buck