Since they already mentioned WSL, you can also describe distrobox like WSL for Linux.
but yeah, agree this would be the simplest.
I’m a software dev in the UK who’s into sci-fi, fantasy, videogames and music.
Big on doctor who, star trek, discworld, final fantasy, dream theater, and people’s right to be themselves.
Since they already mentioned WSL, you can also describe distrobox like WSL for Linux.
but yeah, agree this would be the simplest.
Ha! Good to know
While I too like the analogy, and agree that Windows is becoming increasingly money grabby, I feel the need to be fair: as an OS it has supported native ISO mounting since Win7, just right click an ISO file and choose “Mount”…
My guess is a typo, possibly supposed to be 11 or 12? Is 1998 too early for TF2 design to be occurring?
Team Fortress 2 was announced in 1998
According to Wikipedia. So that looks plausible.
The post however talks about gathering feedback from players of TFC, which didn’t come out until 99. Maybe Robin meant the original mod, which he also worked on, or maybe he just misremembered at what point TFC came out or when they actually explored the death stuff that resulted in the freezecam.
This reminds me of my practice French oral exam at school, so not a typo but still:
As part of the conversation my teacher asked what sort of things I liked to read, and I decided to talk about a then popular technology magazine called T3.
“T trois” sounds rather like “Tais toi” (shut up), and she was a bit taken aback!
Thankfully though we learned not to use that in the real exam.
There is definitely this for activities, so I’d be surprised if there isn’t for virtual desktops given how much more popular/supported they are