Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Was wondering about that stuff too! I don’t live in my (safe) county of origin, but my VPN provider is from there (and I’m like 80℅ sure that provider is a CIA front, but anyway) and it’s the only country I ever got arrested once or twice, where they have a file about me and whatnot.

    Whenever I visit, I immediately get phone calls and letters about some kind of “military tax” that I never paid. Takes like them like 30 minutes to understand that I’m aware and don’t plan to pay anything, even tho I actually need to and will land in military prison!!! (for an afternoon lol, sure pick me up, waiting, will be here all week).

    Then I also don’t seriously care about hiding anything from the country where I actually live, yet I do it all the time and insist on “anonymity” when e.g. defending that countries policies online or simply share my love for that country.

    Am I stupid for using that VPN provider? Probably, but I just want my Apple Music to be streamed lossless, which only works with that VPN.

    In the end I think my biggest stupidity was to start to believe that I even have something like a treat model, or that its worth to invest 2 afternoons only so creep JS cannot remember me anymore, wow, what a success! 🙄

    Uh, sorry for the ramblings, it’s holiday and I already had a beer. If you actually do have a treat model of any kind – take care, stay safe, and never ever put your safety into anything from 🇨🇭

  • While you sound reasonable, your mistake seems to be to believie that Judaism is the same as Zionism. It is not. It is completely not. They are inherently incompatible. Learn about it or don’t. I’m not some kind of theological scholar or history professor. Maybe ask your local Rabbi about it.

    Anyway, sorry to sound like some kind of an extremist to you, but violence is (at the moment) 100% the only answer. Not against the Jewish people, but against the fascist, zionist apartheid regime, who is committing genocide, right now, right before your eyes. Every day, bless you too.

  • no worries ❤️ it was a weird way to say it, ive actually never met anyone who says they “refuse” it. but honestly the ones who want to, can be frustrating and even depressing i mean sure, its never a disadvantage to speak english, but imagine this kind of convo dozens of times [context: i live in vietnam]

    why you want to learn it? - i want to work in [european county where english is not an official language and labour/immigration laws only allow high skilled workers for specific positions which cannot be filled with ppl from shengen countries]

    what do you wanna work there? - customer service

    then should i be the asshole who destroys their dreams or the asshole who plays along and feeds their delusions? so if someone is just not interested or is maybe learning korean/japanese/chinese (which probably will be way more useful for them regarding career stuff) its simply a plus for me.

  • i mean i would not refuse anyone who speaks or wants to learn english. i have friends to help them with that (as best as i can, meaning helping practicing, not teaching). but idk, where i live there seems to be a certain type of person who wants to learn it, and they often tend to have some unreasonable expectations regarding how it will improve their lives. no judgment or anything, but i also try to learn a fucking language here (which turns out to be WAY more difficult than one might expect) and the more i hangout with english speakers the less i learn, because we just fall back to english. so over the years some kind of appreciation for people who simply have no interest in english seems to have emerged.

  • very reasonable, but i think one should keep in mind that sometimes seeing things by mere accident can mess a child up. not going into details, but when i was a kid i wanted to torrent flash (the program to do animation stuff). well, it wasnt flash what i downloaded, it was a collection of photos. photos which haunt me to this day.