Reminds me of the French giriie picture book’ that deputy Loomis kept asking for in the game Harvester.
Reminds me of the French giriie picture book’ that deputy Loomis kept asking for in the game Harvester.
Dog, a Chihuahua to be specific.
You need to chew your food.
I mean American food is just British food plus corn.
Huh? I pronounce it ‘al-bite’ because idk it sounds German.
I mean this could’ve been avoided if he peed while sitting.
Or her front business
Wow! I haven’t heard of omegle since I left memebase in 2013.
A reimagined Star Wars as if it was made by Stanley Kubrick.
Wait till you hear about Jehova’s witnesses.
I mean the outside world is what makes me sad and my pocket computer helps me to escape from reality.
Don’t lie, that goat is cute. You’d definitely date him if you were a goat.
The dealer advised him not to remove it because it might ruin the paint, and he won the lawsuit
Yes, a big factor, many users gradually left the site after the API changed. Also the sub mods have become increasingly ban-happy in the recent years.
Thank you for unlocking all the repressed memories.