Sure. If RFK were President then it could possibly happen… But just imagine one big pharma company handing Trump a check… You think for one second this would pass?
Sure. If RFK were President then it could possibly happen… But just imagine one big pharma company handing Trump a check… You think for one second this would pass?
I will be happily surprised if it comes to be… But I won’t give them any credit for just saying the words.
Yes, that would be good, but let’s be real here, this is basically a statement that says “hey big pharma, I’m not getting enough campaign contributions!! Get off your ass and give me some cash!” - Trump
This will NEVER get passed in a Trump administration. It’s all window dressing on a big pile of streaming shit.
He’s talking about California and New York. You know, kind of like they did when Trump was president last time.
The original Iraq war coverage back in the 90’s was all about glorifying the military industrial complex. Videos of smart bombs finding targets from 20,000 ft. Clean and neat. THAT’S glorifying out military and sanitizing our wars.
A protest has to have teeth. If the teeth are economic, then that’s ok. If the teeth is violence, then that can be ok. Martin Luther King was successful in part because the threat of violence of Malcom X.
Protests do nothing if they can be ignored. If they can be ignored, they WILL be ignored.
Honestly 10M is pretty small for a CEO of a company that size (especially on 22B in profit).
I kind of like this one. No weirder than naming your kid Rose or something.
Totally disagree, however it does depend on what stage of life you’re on. Straight out of college, sure, married at 50, I would say “no”.
I’ve been married almost 25 years and we’ve been sharing finances since before we were married, but we both started with nothing, and we both had college degrees and equal paying jobs out of college, so there was no real disparity of finances.
If you don’t mind sharing, I would love to hear your memories of that.
I’m confused though, what is the logic for redacting the statement? What is the legal justification?
I feel like you don’t actually remember what web 1.0 was like. Or even bbs’s. They… kind of sucked. I mean they were great for the time, but compared to the internet of today, pathetic.
This is directly a result of Elon’s edict that Tesla cars don’t use lidar. If you aren’t aware Elon set that as a requirement at the beginning of Tesla’s self driving project because he didn’t want to spend the money on lidar for all Tesla cars.
His “first principles” logic is that humans don’t use lidar therefore self driving should be able to be accomplished without (expensive) enhanced vision tools. While this statement has some modicum of truth, it’s obviously going to trade off safely in situations where vision is compromised. Think fog or sunlight shining in your cameras / eyes or a person running across the street at night wearing all black. There are obvious scenarios where lidar is a massive safety advantage, but Elon made a decision for $$ to not have that. This sounds like a direct and obvious outcome of that edict.
The real problem that he failed to show any progress on self-driving. Self-driving has been 2 years away for the past 6 years and that’s the only real thing that will pull Tesla out of a downward spiral. Tesla stock is stupidly overpriced and competitors are catching up.
With nothing but empty promises, people are starting to realize that the emperor has no clothes. And really, who wants to see Musk naked? …that’s a bag nobody wants to be left holding.
All electricity is overhead for security reasons, routing solar energy through the rails would destroy that. Doing that (beyond the 100m test-track) would mean a prolongued political discussion.
Electricity is overhead for safety reasons (maybe that’s what you meant by “security reasons”). As long as the voltage is kept low (< 48V) and the runs of solar panels aren’t too long, the power can be run safely in the tracks.
Shit, I’m sorry to hear that. Homeless at 18 is pretty brutal. I hope you find your people or a partner that makes everything worthwhile. Life can be good and amazing, but IMHO it’s not something to do alone.
My first reaction was how stupid this is. Dirt, debris and other things will get on the panels and cause lots of problems, but after a few minutes I realized it’s actually quite brilliant.
There are three major costs of solar, the panels, the location, and the wiring + inverters. If the tracks are used as the wires (extremely low resistance paths back to an inverter), the location is wasted space so basically free, and the inverter can be placed anywhere along the path to remove the power from the tracks, the cost of this comes down to mainly the cost of the panel, which is actually pretty cheep these days.
The real challenges will be in cleaning & maintenance, vandalism, and modifying the track to limit the conductive paths (assuming they’re used for this).
Look, Trump is going to say more and more deranged things as time goes by. This is how he ran as president, say something deranged to distract from the last thing that he said was so deranged.
I bet he’s actually really upset that two people have tried to kill him, but nobody has tried to kill Kamala. He’s going to say more extreme things, get closer and closer to the line, try to give people more upset… This is how he owns a new cycle. This is his gimmick. This is his playbook. He wants the violence, it feeds his ego.
I actually like Tesla. I just hate Elon more. We came close to buying a Tesla once or twice, but now it’s totally off the table.