Man, media can really frame anything to get people to support it. Suddenly folks here love corporate mega mergers.
Man, media can really frame anything to get people to support it. Suddenly folks here love corporate mega mergers.
Damn, i feel like this wont hit the way it should to the people that need convincing, but it sure is a hell of an argument in itself that a transgender person is doing well enough in life to be practicing law before the supreme court. Like Michael Phelps existing in the face of weed’s stereotype of laziness.
Lot of good that decrying’ll do now.
Democrats are done, elect a progressive party
This is the first time Ive ever seen those vowels together
To be clear trumps was far worse. But its exactly that point that makes Bidens so bad. Trump shouldve been arrested day 1 for inciting an insurrection. Barr shouldve also been arrested, he was literally convicted of criminal contempt of congress and was supposed to be in jail the entire time. The assassination of Epstein and his ties to both Trump and Barr needed investigating. The Attorney General, the Justice Department, are the authority on enforcement of law, and there just was none for Bidens tenure.
This has been one of the worst justice departments.
This is conservative facebook tier
Oh I love when democrats enact laws that dont go into effect for several years. And then never.
Ill give you the term for it at the end because everyone hates the term. Its the same reason those people hate vegetarians, and gay men, and renewable energy, and small cars. Wearing a mask is consideration for others, its compassion for the vulnerable, its protecting yourself. Its weak, effeminate, unmanly. The whole of conservatism boils down to: toxic masculinity
Theres no primaries anymore. The wealthy party leaders decide the nominees.
Oh that was up for vote, everyone here voted against it because it cant win.
Nah i dont think yall are willing to do it. 2028 you’ll be holding your nose again voting for an out of touch moderate to oppose trumps third term instead of giving a progressive you completely agree with any kind of chance.
Back? This is what its always been.
Theres very little truth to this. Like most people that have broken the law arent identifying as criminals. Theyre not lobbying for more crime. Atheists arent trying to ban religion, etc. There are a lot of things that are just universally beneficial, like healthcare, environment, education. Its not a matter of opposing groups, its one group that wants to hurt people.
Threat to what
Lmao, “requests”
The judicial branch is waging war on the executive branch. Federal student loans are entirely within the jurisdiction of the department of education and the law gives them unambiguous authority of discretion with how the program is run.
Do you mean you went to walmart and target physically, and then directly to amazons website, and no other online shop? There are a ton of competing online stores with similar or better prices than Amazon, often stores specializing in the product you’re buying. Instead of looking up amazon specifically, look up the item youre looking for
Id love a digital currency system to bypass banks and credit card companies trying to legislate. But the scaling power consumption of crypto is fundamentally unsustainable