@ajsadauskas @pluralistic @technology
What, you don’t have a personal archive of your youtube favorites?
Better start the backup now?
I can code, try to make games and cool stuff.
I know python, some C, and use
@ajsadauskas @pluralistic @technology
What, you don’t have a personal archive of your youtube favorites?
Better start the backup now?
Crypt of the Necrodancer
The characters are difficulty levels, some with additional rules.
It’s a rythm rpg, lore character #1 can miss beats, collect stuff, etc.
Lore character #3 can’t miss a beat or miss and can’t upgrade health, so you always die in one hit.
When I beat the 4 chapters with that character I was done :D
@Lunar Zero.
Against the Storm is amazing.
Phantom Brigade fulfilled my high expectations.
Mechabellum was a cool take on auto battling
Nebulous Fleet Command is cool, but not finished and maybe just not my cup of tea, but definitely very much knows what it wants to be and is very good at that.
And the rest are well known good games not released this year.
A single server MMO like eve online, but with real stakes.
In eve, when you die, you keep your character, most of your assets are safe, either by meta gaming or game mechanics.
You can’t *really* harm/steal from characters.
Which reduces the need to work together and defend your character and your assets. Risk aversion and occasional replacement is a valid strategy.
There is more stuff wrong with eve… but the biggest problem is the stakes.
Imo theoretical #RTS development just stopped after StarCraft and total annihilation.
Sup com is my favorite but nobody really tried to reimagine what “RTS” should mean.
Not like COD -> Doom(2016) did for fps.
So both perspectives are valid and deal with unsolved problems that are unfortunately just hard and not profitable to solve.
“One option to avoid this is to self-host, but then you’ll be identifiable via your domain and have to maintain a server.”
Makes it a non issue.
It’s free as in freedom not as in free beer and that’s that.
Jitsi doesn’t have to offer free service and they particularly don’t have to provide anonymity.
The same is true for the fediverse, since the admins have info that could help identify users. That has it’s uses too.
Trust me, I get it and I agree, #capitalism sucks. Mostly.
But that’s not how it works.
You can’t just take an arbitrary event and claim it came to be despite the circumstances, not because of them.
Like, that’s not how causality works.
Besides, It’s a way stronger argument to point at the overwhelming amount of bad games and bad features and say those got produced under capitalism and that’s why it’s bad full stop.
More HiFi Rush, let’s goooooo
#gamedev #gaming